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    Warnings of exposure of Iraq to an environmental disaster and famine!

    Admin Assist
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     Warnings of exposure of Iraq to an environmental disaster and famine! Empty Warnings of exposure of Iraq to an environmental disaster and famine!

    Post by Rocky Thu 20 Jul 2017, 2:48 am

    Warnings of exposure of Iraq to an environmental disaster and famine!

    History of edits:: 2017/7/19

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Water parliamentary Furat al-Tamimi, said on Wednesday that Iraq is fair to environmental and economic disaster, and it could be offered to a famine that is not the protection of the agricultural sector.
    Tamimi said in a statement to the agency {Euphrates News}, "What ails groves of Diyala is an environmental disaster These areas which are green belts are exposed to a large campaign systematically through bulldozed or fabricating the fires have attempted to change their use and turn them into residential land plots , " he said, adding that "this phenomenon extends to all provinces, including Baghdad and Karbala , as well as the central provinces that are close to the orchards for cities because of the decline in the agricultural sector."
    He continued, " The reason for the most prominent is an attempt to leveling distribution of residential land as close to cities and can deliver services to them."
    And deter these measures Tamimi said that "legislation criminalizing these acts is still a window , whether part of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council resolutions or other legislation, but the problem in the seriousness of the local government in pursuing these issues."
    He explained that the problem is "not to move the proceedings towards the abusers because this falls within the sabotage of the economy and its consequences disastrous for the green belts of the cities , " pointing out "in Baghdad, the local government or the Ministry of Agriculture or the Baghdad Municipality and other stakeholders have a role to maintain green spaces and in all There are basic designs of green spaces, but neglect and lack of follow - shouldered by the executive authorities. "
    He noted that " the problem is the lack of seriousness of the application of legislation and follow - up, and we believe that dredging is confined to urban centers due to be converted into residential land."
    He explained that " the areas that burned in Diyala , an estimated 50% of the space has been bulldozed or burned or tampered with terrorist Daesh gangs or during military operations, and we are in Diyala and Dvav Diyala is green spaces and groves of palm and citrus lose to maintain these spaces gradually after the poor use and lack of protection of the national product and these major problems related to the agricultural sector. "
    He warned Tamimi, "If you are not the executive bodies of the ministries and local governments to take legal action Iraq would be subjected to an environmental and economic disaster could be exposed to famine if the continuation of these irresponsible actions by the executive authorities in the neglect of the agricultural sector plant and animal and the desire of the neighboring countries to keep Iraq consumer of their products. "
    Tamimi was warned on July 14 th, the loss of the rest of the "lung of Baquba" {} orchards because of arsons.
    Tamimi said in a press statement that "fires orchards rates in Baquba reached very serious levels , which are harvested every day and large areas of green belts , " he said, adding that "most of those fires by an actor to achieve one goal , a dredging and land sale residential spare."
    The experience of Diyala province, between now and the last fires targeting orchards, most recently to devour a fire broke out "by an actor" on 13 July, an orchard overlooking the Diyala River Baquba city center, and spread the flames to burn 6 houses and the headquarters of one of the political parties.
    He said the "investigation reported that the cause of the fire is to turn the orchard into barren land and sell it as spare residential land price per square meter more than one million dinars box" .anthy

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