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    Iraq, Jordan discuss the start of the second phase of the opening Trebil

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277173
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq, Jordan discuss the start of the second phase of the opening Trebil Empty Iraq, Jordan discuss the start of the second phase of the opening Trebil

    Post by Rocky Thu 20 Jul 2017, 2:50 am

    Iraq, Jordan discuss the start of the second phase of the opening Trebil

    History of edits:: 2017/7/19

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} Search Chief of Staff of the Army First Lt. Gen. Othman al-Ghanemi, on Wednesday, with the head of the board of the Joint Chiefs of Jordan, the start of the second phase of the opening of the Trebil border.
    A statement by the Ministry of Defense, the agency received {Euphrates News}, a copy of it, that Ghanimi "received Chairman of the board of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Lieutenant - General Mahmoud Abdel - Halim Freihat, was a joint meeting of the two sides in the Defense Ministry building was attended by aides army chief of staff and officer Corner the defense ministries of the two sides, where he presented the guest at the beginning of the meeting greetings of the military leadership of the great victories achieved by our security forces in the liberation of the city of Mosul , from the clutches of Daesh terrorist gangs. "
    He added, "During the meeting , to discuss the start of the second phase of the opening of the Trebil border between the two countries, and to discuss the technical, administrative and security aspects of the road, and the reconstruction of what was destroyed by terrorist gangs and caused by the events Qtoat in the international road."
    The statement continued, "as a timetable for the subsequent phase of the development of the project in order to be fully accomplished."
    The border Trebil port is a vital main artery of trade exchange between Iraq and Jordan, which it is hoped to open Gariba.anthy

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