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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Construction materials trade achieved financial sales exceeded 108 million dinars in June

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Construction materials trade achieved financial sales exceeded 108 million dinars in June Empty Construction materials trade achieved financial sales exceeded 108 million dinars in June

    Post by Rocky Thu 20 Jul 2017, 3:50 am

    Construction materials trade achieved financial sales exceeded 108 million dinars in June


    General Company for the trade of construction materials in the Ministry of Commerce, announced Thursday, for the achievement of financial sales exceeded 108 million dinars during the month of June.

    The company's general manager Adnan Jassim Sharifi in a ministry statement obtained "direction Press" on a copy of it, "the company's branches in Baghdad and the provinces achieved sales during the month of June amounted to (108,595.030) issued Najaf branch of Najaf ranked first in sales amounted to (21.5245 million) dinars," He explained "The second place went to Baghdad branch amounted to (20.6555 million) dinars, and was ranked the third branch of Karbala, where reached (16.7555 million) dinars."

    He added Sharifi, that "the sale of construction materials in Baghdad and all of the company's branches in the provinces through continuous processing lists of cash sales and all materials, according to the controls and instructions."

    The Director General of the company, that "his company's fleet achieved a 737 leap during the month of June, and came within the moves of the Ministry of Commerce plan to transfer the ration card items from the port and granaries complexes Alkhoznip all."

    He explained, "These moves have made financial revenues back to the utility company, where an estimated (487 936 512) dinars within the transfer of the ration card items to all the provinces of Iraq, especially the areas that have been liberated from the terrorist gangs Daesh."

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 11:12 pm