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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Virtue Party calls on the Arab and Islamic governments for unity against the Israeli enemy.

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Virtue Party calls on the Arab and Islamic governments for unity against the Israeli enemy. Empty Virtue Party calls on the Arab and Islamic governments for unity against the Israeli enemy.

    Post by Rocky Thu 20 Jul 2017, 3:57 am

    Virtue Party calls on the Arab and Islamic governments for unity against the Israeli enemy.


    Islamic Virtue Party, called on the Arab and Islamic governments for unity against the Israeli enemy.
    The party said in a statement today got "direction Press" on a copy of the "repercussions of the unfortunate taking place in our region and the Arab world in general, and in the forefront of the adoption method of atonement and the spread of sectarian germ abhorrent is led to the disintegration of the bonds of brotherhood and harmony that its countries and peoples gathered for hundreds of years, had created lanes implement them Zionist grudges towards the Palestinian people and patient injury and to the sanctities of the Islamic nation. "
    "The security forces of the usurping regime of Jerusalem violated on Friday the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque Sharif attacked the worshipers brutally led to the fall of a number of innocent victims and wounded in front of the preacher of the mosque were injured Khtirh.kma Israeli forces cracking down on citizens who lead Sharif mosque after he closed it two days Consecutive".

    The party called for in his statement the international community and events human rights in all countries of the world to condemn these arbitrary measures as a narrowing of the freedom of worship and a flagrant violation of human rights, and to demand the prosecution of the perpetrators who caused the shedding of the blood of innocent people to receive their just punishment, and forcing the entity occupation authorities to cancel the measures unprecedented imposed Al-Aqsa mosque on the worshipers.

    He expressed the hope that "constitutes this barbaric attack an opportunity for Arab and Islamic governments to review the self and the remedy of strife between the brothers and the state of collapse taking place in the relations between our countries and peoples hard work and dedication and work for the restoration of unity against our common enemy and malicious plans in the region. The sa

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