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    Foreign Ministry: Saudi Arabia is involved in 94% of terrorist attacks in the world

    Admin Assist
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    Foreign Ministry: Saudi Arabia is involved in 94% of terrorist attacks in the world Empty Foreign Ministry: Saudi Arabia is involved in 94% of terrorist attacks in the world

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Jul 2017, 2:51 am

    Foreign Ministry: Saudi Arabia is involved in 94% of terrorist attacks in the world

    Thursday 20 July

    , said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif , in an interview with PBS station ( the PBS ) American that 94% of "terrorist" attacks in the world since 2001 , and even today adopted the ideology adopted by Saudi Arabia.

    "Fifteen people involved in the attack on the World Trade Towers on September 11, 2001 are Saudi nationals," Zarif said, adding that "the ideology of these terrorists is Wahhabism, which is Saudi origin."
    US Embassy in Saudi Arabia warns of "terrorist" attacks in the kingdom
    US National Security Adviser: Saudi Arabia has taken important steps against extremism and terrorism

    "If we follow the terrorist incidents that have taken place all over the world since 2001, we have found that 94 percent of them are followers of the Wahhabi ideology that Saudi Arabia is spending oil money to call this ideology," Zarif said.

    Zarif criticized the administration's policy toward Saudi Arabia. "The unfortunate issue for Americans is that their standard for assessing countries is the size of the military equipment they import from the United States and not their support for terrorism first," Zarif said.

    He pointed to visit Trump to Saudi Arabia and said , "I imagine that the US president announced that he would not go to Saudi Arabia before being assured of the presence of military arms deals on the table."

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 2:21 am