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    Australia is "frustrated" after the failed transfer of refugees to America

    Admin Assist
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    Australia is "frustrated" after the failed transfer of refugees to America Empty Australia is "frustrated" after the failed transfer of refugees to America

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Jul 2017, 2:45 am

    Australia is "frustrated" after the failed transfer of refugees to America

    Arabic and International Sunday, July 23, 2017

    Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said Canberra was "disappointed" by the postponement of resettlement of hundreds of refugees held at Australian immigration centers in the United States, noting that the share of the number of refugees supposed to be received by America has already been completed. The equivalent of three times the number of refugees accepted by Australia violates their residency visas.

    "They completed the 50,000 share before they finished dealing with those still under study, in Manos and Nauru," Dutton said.

    "We were disappointed that they could not move this month to the United States, and that was my hope, but the year of their new program will start on October 1 and we are working with the State Department and Homeland Security to ensure people leave as soon as possible," he told reporters in Brisbane. "He said.

    Last year, the administration of President Barack Obama agreed to receive 1,250 refugees from hundreds of asylum seekers currently in Australian-run immigration detention centers on the impoverished islands of Nauru and Manos in the Pacific.

    But new US President Donald Trump cut the number of refugees the United States will receive each year by half, to 50,000, a quota reached this month.

    Asylum seekers and refugees, mostly from Iran, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka, have been living in camps run by Australia for nearly four years, condemned by the United Nations and human rights groups, for the "bad" living conditions in these camps.

    The network revealed that the existence of about 64 thousand people in Australia currently entered the country with different visas during the past year and did not leave after the expiration of visas, pointing out that this figure is more than three times the number of refugees accepted by Australia during the same period It is about 17,500 people, including 12,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

    According to the report, which is based on information recently published by the Department of Immigration, Malaysian nationals occupy the first place in this list, with about 9,500 people.

    Labor opposition leaders criticized former Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd for announcing that asylum seekers in Noro and Manos had to be returned to Australia a year ago, accusing him of trying to rewrite history.

    The development comes as a number of left-wing leaders in the New South Wales Labor Party have launched an initiative to reverse the current tough policy on asylum seekers.

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 7:41 am