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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Management of victory ... and crisis management

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Management of victory ... and crisis management Empty Management of victory ... and crisis management

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 Jul 2017, 3:06 am

    Management of victory ... and crisis management

    24/7/2017 12:00 AM

    There is a big difference between the management of the crisis and the administration of victory. In the first, the decision maker is keen to minimize the losses and encircle the factors and effects that produced the crisis and patience on its effects so as not to multiply its effects and in turn generate bigger crises or end with larger disasters. Good dealing with crises requires great skills at the forefront. Strong will and persuasion ability and great planning and proper investment of the factors of strength and overcome the causes of weakness, but the management of victory, it means the ability to invest all the factors produced and push towards the achievement of major goals and overcome the problems before the victory to erase For victory to a new phase of national action crowned with positive spirit and practical steps . Between 2014 and 2017, Iraq has passed a historic turning point in its life. The speculation has led to black and frightening trends on the survival of the unified state and its ability to overcome failure, and in 2017 changed convictions and became the ordinary man's opinion positive and everyone is confident that Iraq has great potential and great human capabilities, and that he needs to invest well to overcome these difficulties to overcome major building The state has failed in the proper management of files of security and stability and services, which are still plaguing the ordinary citizen and push him to the edges of despair and frustration and political impotence thrown. Talented leaders and ambitious and ambitious national elites can make military victories a presumption of political victory and an economic transformation that is positively reflected in all aspects of public life. What we need at this stage is the clarity of the goals and the ability to convince the street of the steps to reach it with all the sacrifices, For the belts on the bellies. After the liberation of Mosul, the people are waiting to complete the liberation of Tal Afar, Hawija, Isr al-Sharqat, Rawa, Aana, Qa'im and the border strip bordering Syria. This task is no longer difficult after the difficult task in Mosul is completed, but what people expect after liberation is concrete steps in all aspects of their lives that have been ruined and weakened. The most difficult task, the great expectations and demands are greater, and may have sought to accelerate the acceleration of the results of victories in pushing some angry, frustrated and frustrated to get into the street and destabilize and security, and may draw competing forces to armed struggle to dominate and attend in exchange for competitors, Political rivalry will force forces to invest in slogans and political projects that lead to sectarian, national and sectarian divisions. We are also witnessing an acceleration in the activity of gangs and mafias that raise concerns and concerns about the daily security of the people. This is in light of the continuing terrorist challenge, weak financial capacities, reconstruction needs and displaced persons. glare

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