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    Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow

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    Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow Empty Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow

    Post by Rocky Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:13 am

    Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow

    24/7/2017 12:00 AM

    Putin meets Lavrov and the President of the Council of the Russian Federation
    Moscow / morning
    arrived Vice President Nuri al-Maliki to Moscow on Sunday headed a high-level delegation including members of the House of Representatives and advisers. Maliki will meet during his four-day official visit; Russian President Vladimir Putin, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matvienko.
    "Maliki left Baghdad on an official visit to the Russian Federation, during which he will meet with a number of officials to discuss the development of relations, the promotion of economic and security cooperation and the fight against terrorism, which is a challenge to the whole world," a statement from his press office said. The level is accompanied by the Vice President includes a number of members of the House of Representatives and advisers ».
    Maliki said before his visit to Moscow, he will meet on his visit President Putin, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the President of the Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko.
    In an interview with the Russian news agency «Novosti» on the eve of his visit to Moscow, Maliki said that «his talks with the Russian side will focus on ways to stimulate the role of Moscow in the Middle East and stimulate economic cooperation, military and political, and joint energy projects between Russia and Iraq».
    "During my talks with senior Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, Russian Federation Council Chairman Valentina Matvienko and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, I will focus on ways to activate the Russian role in our region in general and in Iraq in particular, He continued: "I will also focus on ways to strengthen economic cooperation between our country and Russia in the fields of economy, trade, electric power and energy projects, and I will discuss supplying our army with Russian weapons, which our soldiers train and know well."
    Commenting on the Russian role in the region, al-Maliki said: "I have confirmed, and I reiterate that without the Russian position, the entire region was destroyed and a new and unusual map was drawn for it. Were it not for the Russian role of the regime's fall in Syria, the terrorists strengthened their positions, in the end".
    On the other hand, sources in the Kremlin confirmed what was published by "morning" a few days ago about the arrival of a large group of tanks, "T-90" Russian developed to Iraq.
    "This year, Iraq will receive a large group of T-90 tanks, which have demonstrated their combat capabilities on the battlefield in Syria," Putin's assistant military-technical cooperation chief Vladimir Kogen told the Izvestia newspaper on Sunday. While Koujin did not specify the value of the deal, and merely referred to the large number of tanks, experts and specialists estimate their number to be "hundreds", worth an average of $ 1 billion. The Iraqi Ministry of Defense had previously announced the purchase of more than 70 T-90 tanks. But according to the information of the Russian newspaper, the first batch of tanks only, which will be followed by other groups later, according to the director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology Ruslan Bukhov, «the Iraqi army this deal; will be in possession of US tanks and other Russian-made», A conscious step that allows Iraq not to link to a single source of armaments. " While Koujin did not specify the value of the deal, and merely referred to the large number of tanks, experts and specialists estimate their number to be "hundreds", worth an average of $ 1 billion. The Iraqi Ministry of Defense had previously announced the purchase of more than 70 T-90 tanks. But according to the information of the Russian newspaper, the first batch of tanks only, which will be followed by other groups later, according to the director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology Ruslan Bukhov, «the Iraqi army this deal; will be in possession of US tanks and other Russian-made», A conscious step that allows Iraq not to link to a single source of armaments. " While Koujin did not specify the value of the deal, and merely referred to the large number of tanks, experts and specialists estimate their number to be "hundreds", worth an average of $ 1 billion.
    The Iraqi Ministry of Defense had previously announced the purchase of more than 70 T-90 tanks. But according to the information of the Russian newspaper, the first batch of tanks only, which will be followed by other groups later, according to Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology Ruslan Bukhov, «the Iraqi army this deal; will be in possession of US tanks and other Russian-made», A conscious step that allows Iraq not to link to a single source of armaments. "

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    Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow Empty Re: Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow

    Post by weslin3 Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:45 pm

    Give Malki a one way ticket to Siberia... freak
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    Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow Empty Re: Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow

    Post by zimi31 Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:08 pm

    weslin3 wrote:Give Malki a one way ticket to Siberia... freak

    Agreed...he's nothing but trouble....badboys

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    Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow Empty Re: Maliki is considering strengthening bilateral cooperation in Moscow

    Post by wciappetta Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:12 pm

    Where does he come off thinking he has that right? All this while at home they size him up for a necktie...

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