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    Syrian regime airstrike kills 10 civilians, wounds 50 others in eastern Ghouta


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Syrian regime airstrike kills 10 civilians, wounds 50 others in eastern Ghouta Empty Syrian regime airstrike kills 10 civilians, wounds 50 others in eastern Ghouta

    Post by jedi17 Tue 25 Jul 2017, 8:21 pm

    Syrian regime airstrike kills 10 civilians, wounds 50 others in eastern Ghouta

    by Loaa Adel
    Jul 25, 2017, 5:28 pm
    Syrian regime airstrike kills 10 civilians, wounds 50 others in eastern Ghouta
    Representational photo.
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    Damascus (Syria News) Ten civilians were killed and several others were wounded in an air strike, carried out by the Syrian regime on the town of Arbin, in eastern Ghouta.

    Qasioun News reported that the Syrian regime carried out an air strike, using eight thermobaric rockets, on Arbin Town, in eastern Ghouta of Damascus, killing ten civilians, including seven children and two women, as well as wounding fifty others with different injuries.

    Yesterday, Syrian Army Aviation conducted six other air strikes on the city, leaving several casualties and inflicting significant damage to the area.

    It is noteworthy, Syrian regime announced ceasing fire in the countryside of Damascus, after agreeing with both the opposition and Russia on a truce, including eastern Ghouta.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 11:23 am