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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Adeeb: Elections of the Council of Kirkuk is the only point of disagreement in the provincial elect

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Adeeb: Elections of the Council of Kirkuk is the only point of disagreement in the provincial elect Empty Adeeb: Elections of the Council of Kirkuk is the only point of disagreement in the provincial elect

    Post by Rocky Fri 28 Jul 2017, 2:40 am

    Adeeb: Elections of the Council of Kirkuk is the only point of disagreement in the provincial elections law

    Political Since 2017-07-27 at 17:46 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad Mawazine News
    The head of the parliamentary bloc of law Ali al-Adeeb that all paragraphs of the draft provincial elections law agreed except for the paragraph of the provincial council elections in Kirkuk, while noting that the number of members of the provincial council will be reduced by 50% and a total of about 280 members, The House of Representatives can not be changed within the draft of the upcoming parliamentary elections law because of the existence of a constitutional text.
    Al-Adeeb said in a press statement, "The draft provincial elections law, which was discussed within the parliamentary legal committee and will be put to the vote within the parliament to reduce the number of members of the provincial councils by half, starting with 10 seats for one million people and add every other 200,000 people only one seat "Adding that" the total number of members of the provincial councils, except the Kurdistan region, according to the draft new law will range from 270 to 280 members after it was under the current law about 400 members. "
    He added: "The paragraphs that were initially settled in the draft law on local elections related to the certificate of study and age, where it was agreed that the minimum certificate of the candidate for the next elections is a preparatory certificate in what must be at least the age of the applicant for 28 years."
    As for the draft law on the upcoming parliamentary elections, the writer revealed that "there is a consensus on the adoption of the system of St. Lego modified by 1.7, which will not differ significantly from the 1.6 that was adopted in the previous elections," noting that "the number of members of the House of Representatives Can not be changed because of the constitutional text, which provides for giving a seat for every 200 thousand people. "
    "The Council of Representatives should discuss the status of the current provincial councils after the end of its mandate of 4 years before more than 3 months," the writer said, adding that "the Council has two options, not the second either to freeze the work Those councils or to be present to conduct the business until the next local elections, which will coincide with the date of its parliamentary counterpart next year. "
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