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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    After the delay of US shipments .. Iraq is using China to provide weapons

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    After the delay of US shipments .. Iraq is using China to provide weapons Empty After the delay of US shipments .. Iraq is using China to provide weapons

    Post by Rocky Wed 02 Aug 2017, 12:11 pm

    After the delay of US shipments .. Iraq is using China to provide weapons

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi government has asked Russia and China to import weapons and military equipment to the security forces after delays in US arms shipments, the parliamentary security and defense committee said Wednesday.

    "Iraq is going through a ferocious war against terrorism that requires rapid access to military equipment, weapons and ammunition, and this is what we are losing recently because of the American delay in handing over ammunition, especially to the F-16s used by the army," committee member Alexander Tutt told the Journal News. The Iraqi in the groupings of groups calling the terrorist. "

    He pointed out that "the reason for Washington's delay in arms shipments is due to the financial distress experienced by Iraq and its delay in the delivery of funds," noting that "the Iraqi government began to move towards Russia and China to get Minecs security forces of weapons and equipment in preparation for the next battles."

    And discussed the Iraqi Vice President Nuri al-Maliki, with Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Russia last week to accelerate the supply of weapons Iraq, which was contracted during his tenure as prime minister.

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