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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    North Korea threatens and threatens America with a "sea of ​​flame"

    Admin Assist
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    North Korea threatens and threatens America with a "sea of ​​flame" Empty North Korea threatens and threatens America with a "sea of ​​flame"

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Aug 2017, 3:00 am

    North Korea threatens and threatens America with a "sea of ​​flame"


    Trend Press / Continue
    The United States will sink into a "sea of ​​flame beyond imagination" because of stepped up moves against Pyongyang's nuclear programs, a North Korean newspaper said on Sunday.
    "The United States has to change its aggressive approach," the paper said in an analytical paper, "because Washington has no choice but to" throw its aggressive policy against Korea with a trash can or collapse. "
    Powerful military armament has become an inevitable strategic choice to prevent any war against the North Korean people, who have already experienced a tragic war experience in the past, the newspaper said, referring to the Japanese colonization of the Korean Peninsula.
    The article also said that the intensification of US President Donald Trump's moves and his followers comes as part of their attempt to break the cycle of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula, which in turn requires raising the alert for the North Korean army and people and as a justification for its nuclear armament.
    The article was prepared prior to Resolution 2371 by the UN Security Council imposing sanctions on North Korea, signaling that Pyongyang was preparing for a violent protest against any possible action by Washington on the Security Council. Sf
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    North Korea threatens and threatens America with a "sea of ​​flame" Empty After North Korea's escalation ... Trump threatens "a sea of ​​flame"!

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Aug 2017, 8:58 am

    After North Korea's escalation ... Trump threatens "a sea of ​​flame"!

    Arabic and International   Sunday, 06 August 2017

    The United States will sink into a "sea of ​​flame over imagination" because of stepped up moves against Pyongyang's nuclear program, a North Korean newspaper said on Sunday.

    "The United States has to change its aggressive approach," the paper said in an analytical paper, "because Washington has no choice but to" throw its aggressive policy against Korea with a trash can or collapse. "

    Powerful military armament has become an inevitable strategic choice to prevent any war against the North Korean people, who have already experienced a tragic war experience in the past, the newspaper said, referring to the Japanese colonization of the Korean Peninsula.

    The report added that the intensification of US President Donald Trump and his followers is part of their attempt to break the cycle of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula, which in turn calls for raising the alert for the North Korean army and people and as a justification for its nuclear armament.

    The article was prepared prior to UN Security Council Resolution 2371 imposing sanctions on North Korea, signaling Pyongyang was preparing for a violent protest against any possible move by Washington on the Security Council.

      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 11:00 pm