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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Many Topics Including The Oldest Dinar Community. Copyright © 2006-2020

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    Planning: 812 trillion dinars revenues Five-Year Plan

    Admin Assist
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    Planning: 812 trillion dinars revenues Five-Year Plan  Empty Planning: 812 trillion dinars revenues Five-Year Plan

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 Sep 2013, 6:55 am

    Planning: 812 trillion dinars revenues Five-Year Plan

    City News Agency / 09/17/13

    Fired and the Ministry of Planning, National Development Plan for the years (2013 2017), which is expected to reach total revenue where to 812 trillion dinars, 768 trillion dinars, of which derived from oil. With concentrated investments in the plan on the industrial sector increased by 38 percent, came the development of economic activities the non-oil annual growth rate of 7.5 percent, while maintaining inflation rates.

    Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs Hussain al-Shahristani, said in his speech ceremony held by the ministry on the occasion of the launch of the plan that catching government headed towards the plans of Timers long to lay the foundations of development a real policy of the country, especially after the success of the oil licensing round in attracting major international oil companies to work in Iraq. He added that the plan focused on the field of industry and energy, which was his share of the distribution of investments 38.2 percent, while the buildings and the services sector was the rate of 28.6 percent, agriculture 13.4 percent, and education 10.3 percent, and 9.5 for transport and communications.

    For his part, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation Mehdi Keywords that ?previous plan achieved successes acceptable and concrete in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar in the field of education and in the health field?, adding that ?the new plan will be complementary to the previous one and will reduce the gap between rural and urban areas and there will be the role of local governments in the implementation of the plan, as well as give the role of the private sector.

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    DieHard Investor
    DieHard Investor

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    Planning: 812 trillion dinars revenues Five-Year Plan  Empty Re: Planning: 812 trillion dinars revenues Five-Year Plan

    Post by wayoutnow Tue 17 Sep 2013, 11:24 am

    Raise that dinar up !!! Implement those laws and get UR country head forward !!!!
    DieHard Investor
    DieHard Investor

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    Planning: 812 trillion dinars revenues Five-Year Plan  Empty Re: Planning: 812 trillion dinars revenues Five-Year Plan

    Post by wayoutnow Tue 17 Sep 2013, 11:27 am

    Sounds like tariff law has to be In place to collect all that dinar for infrastructure s and bring urban and city s together !!!!!!

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