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    Moscow: US campaign in Afghanistan failed and Washington to withdraw its troops from there

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Moscow: US campaign in Afghanistan failed and Washington to withdraw its troops from there Empty Moscow: US campaign in Afghanistan failed and Washington to withdraw its troops from there

    Post by Rocky Mon 14 Aug 2017, 5:23 am

    Moscow: US campaign in Afghanistan failed and Washington to withdraw its troops from there

    Monday 14 August 2017

    Zamir Kabulov, the envoy of the Russian President for Afghanistan that the US military campaign in this country failed, and Washington to withdraw its troops from there.

    The Russian diplomat that Moscow has never invited Washington to accelerate the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan, but the operations of the US military there did not come any result, noting that Afghanistan may become a stronghold of international terrorism.

    Kabulov said that Russia refuses to replace mercenary soldiers with US units in Afghanistan, saying that "the United States is in a state of despair, and its plans to replace professional military mercenaries are stupid, and will not work."
    Moscow warns Washington against trying to use "militants" in Afghanistan
    The United States is killing 16 Afghan soldiers in an area where no one knows who is in control

    The media sources earlier reported the plan of the US administration to send 5,500 mercenaries to Afghanistan, and 90 warplanes.

    According to the sources, the implementation of this plan requires the allocation of 10 billion dollars.

    It is noteworthy that about 13 thousand troops of the international forces stationed in Afghanistan at the moment, including 8400 US military.

    In a related context, Senator John McCain , chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee that the lack of a clear US strategy in Afghanistan caused the failure of the Washington campaign there, noting that the Afghan army "incurring unacceptable losses."

    US authorities have allocated $ 76 billion to implement support programs for Afghan security forces, supplying 600,000 firearms, 76,000 military vehicles, 208 helicopters and other equipment and assistance.

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 12:30 pm