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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    State of Law: Consulate in Qatif against the Saudi Consulate in Najaf

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    State of Law: Consulate in Qatif against the Saudi Consulate in Najaf Empty State of Law: Consulate in Qatif against the Saudi Consulate in Najaf

    Post by Rocky Wed 16 Aug 2017, 3:30 am

    State of Law: Consulate in Qatif against the Saudi Consulate in Najaf

    The coalition of "state law" on Tuesday, the designation of a Saudi intelligence figure in the consulate assumed in Najaf, and demanded the opening of a consulate in the Shiite Qatif and Al-Ahsa in front of the consulate of Najaf.

    "The consulate must be subject to official approval from the central government, in addition to the removal of intelligence figures from its diplomatic work," said the MP from the State of Law coalition, Nahla al-Hababi.

    "The work of the consulate is diplomatic and must be kept away from intelligence suspicions," she said.

    "The opening of the Saudi consulate is in the interest of the two countries," she said.

    While the condition of the adviser to Vice President Nuri al-Maliki on Wednesday, the opening of a consulate in the province of Najaf in exchange for the opening of an Iraqi consulate in the Qatif and Ahsa Saudi Arabia with a Shiite majority.

    "The opening of a consulate in Najaf should be met by the opening of an Iraqi consulate in the eastern regions of Saudi Arabia to perform the same tasks in the service of visitors," Abbas al-Moussawi told the Journal News.

    "Saudi Arabia has played negative roles and supported terrorism in the country and Saudi policy towards Iraq can not be trusted, but opening a consulate in Shiite areas sends positive messages to the Iraqi people," he said.

    He pointed out that "Iraqi visitors in Saudi Arabia desperately need a consulate to facilitate the functions of the visit of the Baqai."

    The Union of Iraqi Forces welcomed an urgent call from Saudi Arabia to the Iraqi government regarding the opening of a consulate in the province of Najaf (the center of the Shiites of the world), considering the openness and representation of the Arabs in the interest of Iraq.

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