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    09~18~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    09~18~2013 Horoscopes  Empty 09~18~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Wed 18 Sep 2013, 5:33 am

        A group meeting takes place early today and a new sales idea for selling a particularly difficult item is helpful. New goals for the future come to mind. You may feel as though a weight has lifted from your shoulders--you have the wherewithal to make your dreams come true. You have a natural sense of what a loved one is in need of this evening and you want to do what you can to make him or her happy. Making someone else's dreams come true may give you some really rewarding experiences. Close relationships take on more emotional depth, power and importance. A young person appreciates your support. Feeling cared for and needed is comfortable and that is what you have today--you count your blessings for this rewarding day.

        New ways to communicate or an easy manner will make conversations and interactions with others go well. You may be helping a superior with some new phone system, etc. This is an open time when laughter and frankness can be viewed. You are at your mental best with sharp ideas and clear thoughts. This is an excellent time to make decisions and take care of mental work. There is an instinctive imperative to being in control. There is an interest in healing and investing and the great mysteries of life and death. This could involve an elderly person, real estate, investments--perhaps in purchasing an antique or some old coins. You may find yourself at a bookstore this afternoon. This evening may prove to be interesting if you are single.

    A career decision seems too difficult to be worthwhile, but if you relax, you will see that this is just a minor slowdown. You will be able to get back to your regular speed in no time. Later today you concentrate on working toward a goal of personal significance. Circumstances may augment and stimulate appreciation and enjoyment of your life situation. Your system of values may deepen, providing you with a better sense of discrimination and good taste. Purchasing, selecting colors, etc., is at a high. Your mind is very clear now and your thoughts are brought into a sharp focus. You will find it easy to organize your thoughts and communication of all kinds is furthered. Write that book or sign up to take a course. Your thoughts count now.

    Your abilities to work with co-worker friends or others and help guide them toward more positive directions may come into play today. You think about something you want to change and with concentration you achieve the desired success in record time. After work, a friend or sibling seems disturbed over some form of family security. You have the gift of working with others and can shine some insight into matters of personal freedom. You come up with brilliant ways to express, emote or act things out. You relax with children, sports, acting, singing, etc. You may enjoy eccentric friends this evening and perhaps participate in a group that has some kind of humanitarian flavor. You may be asked to join a political group.

        Others may sidetrack you from your plans for the day--you could have a problem with organizational skills just now. This distraction will end when you recognize that the difficulty is distraction. You have a charming way of ending conversations so that you can get back to your work. Some distractions could be car problems or a delayed appointment. After the noon break you are back, working at full speed. This could be a challenging afternoon in the amount of work you will want to accomplish. You may find a little overtime will be necessary. Becoming more honest with a loved one has resulted in a deeper bond between the two of you. You enjoy taking a little time each day for hugs, laughter and loving communication.

        You are a natural diplomat, always courteous and concerned with the comfort and welfare of others. Today is the day to speak up and be heard--talk about your goals, or your company's goals, perhaps to a manager. This could mean an employee review or it could also mean that you have been offered a better position in the business world. You value personal contact, cutting through all the externals and getting to the heart of things. You may find yourself involved in long leisurely conversations with a loved one later today. A new understanding may repair some problems or misunderstandings of the past. Changes and transforming experiences are the general mood of the day. Have a seat on the porch and breathe in some fresh air; relax.

        Obtaining and exchanging information takes on a more noteworthy importance now. You gather information today that will help you with some new phase of your work. When you gain the information you need, you plow through your work quickly. You have a determination that is miraculous and you aim to achieve everything you set out to accomplish. Being more involved with neighbors or siblings this afternoon satisfies a deep emotional need of belonging and sharing. You enjoy helping others and communicating feelings becomes an important way to share. Sports, communication, entertainment, work and chores all can be enjoyed when there is a team effort. Unexpected company this evening may compliment you on your home and family.

        There is a tendency to be too strict with yourself and to insist that whatever does not contribute to security and other long-term goals is trivial. Making your mark on the world has a special significance for you. This week is a busy but successful one. You may be thinking of beginning your own little place of business. This is something that may take some thinking and counseling with other people that know about owning a business. You have the power to make good things happen. Your career always seems to get the support you need, and this is one of the areas of life that runs smoothly. You have the ability to work with others, in particular regarding vocation or career guidance. You can also guide others in matters requiring work-related decisions.

        You may shift more of your interest from the home front to the workplace at this time but if you create some time for your family, you will be able to accomplish a great deal wherever your concentration is focused. There is a short-time energy spurt available to help you when you need strength. It could be you find yourself working overtime or will need to attend a class or perhaps to learn a new technique. Creating time with family members this evening may mean improvement in communication and expressing feelings. Consider showing off your professional talents to your family so they will see just how talented you really are. This will help to create a close bond between you and your loved ones. You could invite a family member to share.

        Work is an easy task today. Your thoughts, however, may move to passionate times or times when your feelings, emotions and basic life urges undergo change and possibly, transformation. You feel more personal and direct and find that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before. If it makes sense you love it, and if it does not you feel guilty about it: that's what it's like now. You may decide to sign up for an exercise class with a friend later today--or perhaps, teach a class. You give a friend loving attention this afternoon--this friend may have been going through some hard times lately. This is a good time to examine and think about what is important and of lasting value. Someone surprises you with attention this evening--perhaps a gift as well.

        Some plan you made in the past comes to your attention. You are able to rework and adapt new ideas into this plan. A completion or realization may be near. A business contact may see the importance of your plan and come to your aid. You are fortunate to have the determination that helps you reach your goals. Success in business or in anything you choose to accomplish should be visible now. Family members may comment on your progress this month; it is all positive. Late afternoon brings opportunities to laugh and be with your loved ones. This evening an important relationship comes into focus; perhaps with someone in your near environment. You are able to understand this person as you have never understood him or her before.

        New equipment graces the halls of your workplace and you scurry around to discover that you and some of your workmates will be learning new skills soon. Most of this day may be spent in shuffling customers around, tending to them and tending to the progress of updating some equipment. Life is fun in this ever-changing work world and you rather enjoy the process of it all. Young people may involve you in their activities most of the after-work hours today. This may mean you have become the sports; math or english tutor for the neighborhood school children. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. There are good feelings and a sense of harmony this evening.

      Current date/time is Mon 09 Sep 2024, 9:01 am