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    United Nations: Arab Coalition responsible for half the victims of Yemen's children

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    United Nations: Arab Coalition responsible for half the victims of Yemen's children Empty United Nations: Arab Coalition responsible for half the victims of Yemen's children

    Post by Rocky Fri 18 Aug 2017, 2:48 am

    United Nations: Arab Coalition responsible for half the victims of Yemen's children

    Baghdad - Agencies

    The Saudi-led Arab coalition is responsible for about 51 percent of the dead and wounded children in Yemen last year, a draft UN report revealed on Friday.

    The draft report on children and armed conflict blamed the Arab Coalition for the deaths of 680 children and three quarters of attacks on schools and hospitals in Yemen. According to the agency "Reuters"

    "The air strikes caused more than half of the total number of child victims, with 349 children killed and 333 injured," the report said.

    "The United Nations has been informed of actions taken by the coalition in 2016 to reduce the impact of the conflict on children," the draft report said. "Despite these measures, gross violations of children continued at unacceptably high rates in 2016."

    "The Huthis and their allied forces are also responsible for the victims of the 1340 children who have been verified by the United Nations," the draft said.

    The draft still needs to be ratified by and possible changes to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres.

    For his part, UN spokesman Farhan Haq said Guterich received a draft of the 2016 report this week and is scheduled to discuss it with the United Nations official on children and armed conflict, Virginia Gamba, on Friday, adding that "it is still under consideration."

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