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    New US troops to Afghanistan for the current fighting season

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    New US troops to Afghanistan for the current fighting season Empty New US troops to Afghanistan for the current fighting season

    Post by Rocky Wed 23 Aug 2017, 3:21 am

    New US troops to Afghanistan for the current fighting season

    Arab and international Since 2017-08-23 at 09:08 (Baghdad time)

    Follow Mawazine News
    The top US military commander in the Middle East, General Joseph Fotel, said the first new batch of US troops would be deployed in Afghanistan "very quickly."
    Fotel, who visited Afghanistan last weekend, said the troops could arrive within days, or perhaps within a few weeks.
    "The most important thing for the US military now is to have some capacity, so the army will have an impact on the current fighting season," he told reporters traveling with him to Saudi Arabia.
    A spokesman for the US Central Command at MacDill air base in Tampa, Florida, statements by the Supreme Commander of the US forces in the Middle East, according to German news agency.
    Trump said in a speech at the Fort Meyer base in Virginia on Monday that Washington was adopting a new strategy in Afghanistan.
    Trump stressed that his country will not disclose the number of soldiers in the territory of Afghanistan and plans to launch or end military operations there, stressing that the US forces in Afghanistan will focus on the fight against terrorism.
    Currently, about 8.4 thousand US military personnel are trained in Afghanistan, who train and advise Afghan soldiers. Nearly 2,400 US troops have been killed in Afghanistan since 2001, with more than 20,000 injured.
    The US president has left open the possibility of dialogue with the Taliban. "At one point, after a successful military effort, a political solution may be possible to include part of the Taliban in Afghanistan," he said. "But no one can know what If this will happen and when. "

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 11:43 am