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    Trump looms to suspend his government's work if it fails to finance Mexico's wall

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Trump looms to suspend his government's work if it fails to finance Mexico's wall Empty Trump looms to suspend his government's work if it fails to finance Mexico's wall

    Post by Rocky Wed 23 Aug 2017, 6:00 am

    Trump looms to suspend his government's work if it fails to finance Mexico's wall

    US President Donald Trump has insisted on building a giant wall on the border with Mexico no matter how much it costs, while signaling his willingness to suspend the government's work to secure the necessary funds.

    The threat came at a time of controversy over the allocation of funding for the construction of the wall, which would limit the flow of illegal immigrants from Mexico to US territory

    The US president has already tried to force Mexico to pay the bill to build the wall, but the Mexican government has rejected Trump's demands.

    Trump's threat to shut down the government is realistic because federal executive institutions will have to suspend their work if the US Congress fails to agree on budget allocations by September 30.

    Politburo quoted senior White House advisers as saying that Trump had assured them that he was ready to use any means to get enough money to allow the construction of the wall to begin without a slowdown. Finished

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 4:41 pm