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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A US general promises a resounding genocide and al Qaeda

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A US general promises a resounding genocide and al Qaeda Empty A US general promises a resounding genocide and al Qaeda

    Post by Rocky Fri 25 Aug 2017, 3:20 am

    A US general promises a resounding genocide and al Qaeda

    The commander of US forces in Afghanistan, Gen. John Nicholson, on Thursday, that the Afghan security forces support the land and air Atlantic destroy the branch of a sympathetic organization in the country, and crush remnants of al Qaeda.

    "President Donald Rumsfeld's new strategy for Afghanistan, announced Monday, is a promise to the Afghans that together they can defeat terrorism and prevent their groups from establishing safe havens for them," Nicholson told a joint news conference with US special envoy to the US embassy, ​​Hugo Lorenz.

    "Stop fighting the people of your country, stop killing innocent civilians, stop increasing hardship and misery in the lives of the Afghan people, hand over your weapons and join Afghan society, help build a better future for this country and your children," Nicholson told the Taliban.

    "We will not fail in Afghanistan ... our national security depends on it, as well as the security of Afghanistan, our allies and our partners," Nicholson said. Finished

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 12:56 pm