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    Dahalki calls UNAMI to intervene immediately and end the file cliff rock

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    Dahalki calls UNAMI to intervene immediately and end the file cliff rock Empty Dahalki calls UNAMI to intervene immediately and end the file cliff rock

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Aug 2017, 3:04 am

    Dahalki calls UNAMI to intervene immediately and end the file cliff rock

    Political Since 2017-08-27 at 18:00 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad Mawazine News
    The Head of the Committee on Migration and Displaced Parliament Raad Dahlaki called on the United Nations Mission in Iraq to immediately intervene and end the file of Jarf al-Sakhr, which he described as "serious" and called for the cessation of all schemes against the city and all other provinces that prevent displaced people from returning to it. Work to bring all IDPs back to their homes according to specific mechanisms and time-frames to end their suffering.
    Al-Dahlaki described in a statement received a copy of what is happening in Jarf al-Sakhr as "an official declaration to start the plan of forced demographic change."
    On the remarks made by the President of the Council of the province of Babylon, Raad Jubouri, noting that 70% of the displaced people of Jarf Sakhr returned to their homes in the areas of garrison, Bubani and Hor Hussein said Dahlaki "shady remarks."
    Al-Dahlaki said: "The areas of Al-Hamiya, Albubani and Hor Hussein are safe areas, and no one has been uprooted in recent years, except for the area of ​​Boubahani, which was attacked a month ago to displace a number of families by militias on sectarian bases.
    He stressed that "the area of ​​cliff Sakhr, which was liberated on 24 October 2014 has not returned to any displaced today."
    He pointed out that "more than 90% of the displaced from the people of Jarf al-Sakhr live in the Kurdistan region and Amiriya Fallujah, and 10% of them live in the province of Babylon and are subject to abduction and detention from time to time."
    "Jabouri's remarks are part of a series of shady statements by officials in the governor of Babel, whose aim is clear: the absence of facts and the mixing of papers in order to create the justification for a demographic change that follows a planned plan."
    He concluded by saying that "based on the statements made by the officials of the province of Babylon on the issue of cliff rock, we call for the intervention of the United Nations mission in Iraq this serious file to stop all schemes against the city and all other provinces that prevent the return of displaced persons.
    He called for "the return of all displaced persons to their homes in accordance with specific mechanisms and timelines to end the suffering of innocent displaced persons."
    Iraqi forces and political figures denounced a decision by the Babil provincial council calling for the prosecution of those who demanded that the displaced people be allowed to return to their area of ​​exile in 2014.
    These political forces considered that the Council's decision is a clear violation of human rights and legislation of plans for demographic change, sectarian motives "by the parties have become influential and the Iraqi government is unable to confront and curb it."
    The Babil provincial council had voted a few days ago on a project to sue any politicians who are demanding the return of the people of the area of ​​cliff Sakhr to their homes.
    The United Nations criticized the decision of the provincial council of Babylon, said a statement to its mission in Iraq that the decision represents a threat to politicians and prevents them from performing their duty to defend the rights of their representatives of citizens.
    The mission stressed the right of IDPs to return to their areas, and called on the provincial council to reconsider its decision and help the people of Jarf al-Sakhr to return to their homes.

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