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    Amazon Announces 1,000 New Jobs

    Admin Assist
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    Amazon Announces 1,000 New Jobs Empty Amazon Announces 1,000 New Jobs

    Post by Rocky Wed 30 Aug 2017, 2:38 am

    Amazon Announces 1,000 New Jobs

    30/8/2017 12:00 am

    State of Michigan reported a sharp drop in unemployment last month, hitting its lowest level in nearly 20 years.
    He Bruce Weaver , an official at the Ministry of Technology and Management and Budget that the labor market in Michigan have been relatively stable in July, with the unemployment rate fell by 1.0 percent on a monthly basis for up to 7.3 percent , only the lowest level seen in the state since June of 2000.
    He added Weaver That career gains have been achieved in the public sector, education and health services.
    While the total number of jobs in the labor market in Michigan fell by 18 thousand workers last July, but the number of job seekers in turn decreased by seven thousand people, which reflected a slight decline in the unemployment rate
    Job losses were in the professional and commercial services sectors and in the transport equipment manufacturing sector, due to temporary layoffs at car assembly plants.
    The unemployment rate measures the proportion of adults looking for jobs out of the total labor force, without calculating retirees and adults who do not want to find jobs.
    The level of unemployment in this industrial state, peaked in 2009, reaching 6.14 percent as a result of the economic crisis that hit the capital of the automobile industry and the whole
    Michigan's economy was larger at the turn of the millennium than it is now. The state's workforce in the summer of 2000 was 280,000 more than it is now.
    Earlier this week, the retail giant Amazon began receiving applications for more than 1,000 new jobs at a distribution center under construction in Livonia, the first of its kind in Michigan.
    The new Central Avenue Center, estimated at $ 90 million, will open at the intersection of the Aklak and Skolkraft streets next week, a huge store and a store for products sold through the
    company's website .
    New payrolls start at just under $ 13 per hour, including health care benefits, pension and paid leave, overtime pay, and special staff deductions.

      Current date/time is Thu 10 Oct 2024, 9:02 pm