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    America seeks to freeze assets of North Korean leader

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277783
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     America seeks to freeze assets of North Korean leader Empty America seeks to freeze assets of North Korean leader

    Post by Rocky Thu 07 Sep 2017, 9:52 am

    [size=30]America seeks to freeze assets of North Korean leader[/size]
    07/09/2017 11:03 | Number of readings: 173
    font size:  America seeks to freeze assets of North Korean leader Font_decrease  America seeks to freeze assets of North Korean leader Font_enlarge
     America seeks to freeze assets of North Korean leader Thumbnail.php?file=15042015_korea_312768416
    Trend Press / Agencies
    The United States has proposed imposing a new set of sanctions on North Korea, including an oil embargo and a freeze on Kim Jong-un's assets.
    Washington has drafted a new UN resolution in response to North Korea's latest nuclear tests, which are to be discussed by members of the UN Security Council.
    The draft resolution calls for a ban on supplying North Korea with a range of petroleum products and the purchase of its textile exports. The draft also calls for Kim Jong-un's assets to be frozen and his travel ban imposed.
    The attempt to tighten sanctions on North Korea comes after its latest test in a rapidly developing nuclear weapons program.
    Pyongyang claims it produced a powerful and small hydrogen bomb to be installed in a long-range missile. In August, a rocket was fired over residential areas in Japan.
    It is unclear whether US efforts to impose further sanctions have the support of Russia or China, which have expressed reservations about tougher sanctions.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 2:16 am