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    Afghan army destroys about 120 militants

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277418
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Afghan army destroys about 120 militants Empty Afghan army destroys about 120 militants

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Sep 2017, 10:14 am

    [size=30]Afghan army destroys about 120 militants[/size]
    09/09/2017 01:48 | Number of readings: 91
    font size:  Afghan army destroys about 120 militants Font_decrease  Afghan army destroys about 120 militants Font_enlarge
     Afghan army destroys about 120 militants Thumbnail.php?file=___________________677153280
    Trend Press / Agencies 
    The Afghan Ministry of Defense announced that the National Army was able, yesterday, to kill at least 119 militants, including 19 terrorists from the preachers in different parts of the country.
    The ministry said in a statement, "Trend Press", that the elements of Daqash were killed in the district of Ashin, Nangarhar province on the border with Pakistan.
    The Afghan army, according to the statement, killed 58 militants from various extremist armed groups operating in the border province of Nuristan in the east of the country. The ministry did not address the casualties among the Afghan military.

    It should be noted that the situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated significantly in recent months, where the Taliban "Afghanistan" extremist extremist attacks against large cities from the rural areas that have been controlled for some time. In addition, there has been a significant increase in activity in Afghanistan recently.

      Current date/time is Fri 13 Sep 2024, 12:18 am