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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraqis top the list of buyers for Jordanian real estate worth 162.16 million dollars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 281994
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraqis top the list of buyers for Jordanian real estate worth 162.16 million dollars Empty Iraqis top the list of buyers for Jordanian real estate worth 162.16 million dollars

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Sep 2017, 3:34 am

    Iraqis top the list of buyers for Jordanian real estate worth 162.16 million dollars

    09:49 - 11/09/2017

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The monthly report issued by the Department of Lands and Survey in Jordan, on Monday, the Iraqis issued a list of nationalities in the purchase of real estate during the first eight months of this year, indicating that the value of investment Iraqis amounted to 1.8 million dollars.
    The Iraqi nationality, according to the report, in the first eight months of the first place with a total of 668 properties, and Saudi nationality ranked second with a total of 356 properties, while the Syrian nationality ranked third with a total of 191 properties.
    In terms of value, Iraqi nationality also came first with an investment volume of 113.09 million dinars (162.16 million dollars), 51% of the estimated value of non-Jordanians, and Saudi nationality ranked second: 45.8 million dinars, 20% Syrian nationality ranked third with an estimated 12.2 million and a rate of 5%
    The Iraqi nationality in August sales ranked first with a total of 116 properties, Saudi nationality ranked second with 47 properties, the Syrian nationality third with a total of 37 properties, and Kuwait nationality fourth with a total of 24 properties.
    In terms of value, the Iraqi nationality was also ranked first with an investment of 18.2 million dinars, 65% of the estimated value of non-Jordanians, and Saudi nationality at the second rank: 3.4 million dinars, 12% and Syrian nationality third. Million dinars by 5 percent. Ending / 25

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