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    Washington has renewed its accusation of Saudi Arabia financing the September 11 attacks

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Washington has renewed its accusation of Saudi Arabia financing the September 11 attacks Empty Washington has renewed its accusation of Saudi Arabia financing the September 11 attacks

    Post by Rocky Tue 12 Sep 2017, 4:14 am

    Washington has renewed its accusation of Saudi Arabia financing the September 11 attacks

    BAGHDAD ( 
    Reuters) - The United States has accused the Saudi embassy of funding terrorist elements to carry out the September 11 attacks by using two of its employees, the Independent newspaper reported Monday.
    The report cited Saudi Arabia's financing of the terrorist attack two years before it took place in 2001. The report supports the cause of the families of the victims against Saudi Arabia. "We have long believed that al-Qaeda has a close link," one speaker said. In the Saudi Wahhabi state, and this report is the biggest proof of that. "
    The Saudi embassy sent two of its employees to plan and carry out the attack, before 12 terrorists dug two planes in the towers, killing 3,000 victims in 2001, the report said, adding that Saudi Arabia had used its hidden employees as students to make a trip from Phoenix to " Washington, "to cross from above the two towers and test the security of the roof of buildings before the date of the attack in 11-pass. 
    "Saudi Arabia has denied all charges, but will be transferred to the federal court, thanks to the campaign of" Justice against Terrorist Financiers, "which voted to pass a law by Congress that provides the family of the victim with the right to try the intergovernmental body on the charges.
    The Federal Investigation Commission added in its report the Saudi embassy's financial transfer records with the terrorists for several months before the attack on September 11, 2001. It provided evidence showing that Saudi employees Mohammed al-Qudain and Hamdan al-Shalawi were members of the Saudi intelligence agency before their arrival To the United States as embassy staff. In 1999, al-Qadain and Al-Shalawi took a flight in one of the American airlines. They then attracted attention to their strange behavior when they tried to enter the cockpit several times, asking many technical questions, Causing an emergency landing of the plane in Ohio, and taking them out.
    At the end of its report, the newspaper said that "the plane tickets were made by the Saudi Embassy's account center in the United States. Noting that the terrorists attended the decrees of the victims of the September attack in the crew of representatives of the Saudi Embassy, ​​"adding that" the Federal Intelligence report consists of 5000 pages. "

      Current date/time is Sun 15 Sep 2024, 2:46 am