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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In a workshop organized by the National Union of Journalists .. Local official reveals 3 thousand fi

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    In a workshop organized by the National Union of Journalists .. Local official reveals 3 thousand fi Empty In a workshop organized by the National Union of Journalists .. Local official reveals 3 thousand fi

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Sep 2017, 2:04 am

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    In a workshop organized by the National Union of Journalists .. Local official reveals 3 thousand fictitious projects in Baghdad

     Baghdad / Range 

    The National Syndicate of Journalists in Iraq concluded on Saturday the first training workshop on the subject of media coverage of local governments. On the sidelines, Baghdad Provincial Council member Farhan Qassem revealed the existence of more than 3,000 fictitious projects in Baghdad. 
    The decision of the Baghdad Provincial Council Farhan Qassem, on the first day, trainees learned the nature of the work of local councils and local governments and their respective functions and the relationship between them and the most important problems facing them, and concluded the reality of the failure of the experiment so far as a result of administrative and financial corruption and double authority between the local government and the governments of regions and provinces And the adoption of the system of quotas in addition to reliance on the rent economy. "The existence of more than 3000 imaginary projects in Baghdad," he pointed out that "many obstacles prevent the implementation of laws and regulations to reduce corruption," adding that "corruption is a general situation and not only include local governments, but all joints of the state." In a related context, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Iraqi Media Network Hawa Osman, the basics and nature of media coverage of local governments in addition to the basic rules of coverage, noting that "
    Othman pointed out that "the most important sources of stories and reports on local governments are documents and transactions promoted by them." He added that "one of the most important rules in the writing of reports and stories is to arm information and documents with the introduction of citizens affected negatively or positively to convey a realistic picture." In the last part of the lecture, Othman focused on how to produce short films and reportages to cover the work of the local authorities and the footage that must be taken in the films to highlight the situation to be addressed and how to write the story On the second day of the workshop, Dr. Siham Al- , On the objectives of the local media coverage and areas, in addition to covering the elections and referendums, local and public, and protests, and pointed to the areas of counterfeiting and misleading in the news and statements of fire that are working to escalate the crises.

    Shujairi, trainees, divided into three practical training teams. On the third and final day, journalist Adnan Hussein tackled the ethical rules and standards that the journalist must observe and observe during press coverage, stressing that "accurate and clear information should be provided with documents and evidence to give the public a clear idea and not be misled." Hussein pointed out that "some journalists have crossed the moral boundaries, for purposes not related to providing substantive and honest service to the public."

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