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    Germany declares adjust the truck smuggling of human beings "appalling"

    Admin Assist
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    Germany declares adjust the truck smuggling of human beings "appalling" Empty Germany declares adjust the truck smuggling of human beings "appalling"

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Sep 2017, 4:11 am

    Germany declares adjust the truck smuggling of human beings "appalling"

    Germany declares adjust the truck smuggling of human beings "appalling" Irq_1668832846_1505722315

    The German Federal Police announced a truck on a German highway near the Polish border, carrying 51 people, including 17 children, who were smuggled into German territory, saying their condition was "terrible and terrible" and provided them with medical care and food.

    A spokesman for the Federal Police Department in Germany, in response to a question from the German news agency (DPA), that "these people, including 17 children," stressing that "the police arrested the driver of the truck (46 years) last night, and was heading to Berlin He was held temporarily on suspicion of involvement in human trafficking. "

    He explained that the driver is Turkish and that the license of the car was issued by Turkey, was interrogated and will be presented later to an investigating judge, "noting that" these persons were accommodated and care for them inside a tent on the ground of the police. "

    "There are no casualties among these people except for one person who has been marked by a lack of liquidity," the spokesman said. "Preliminary evidence shows that the people seized are families who said they came from Iraq, but they do not have passports or documents."

    According to the spokesman, during the inspection of the truck, the police saw a "terrible picture", as 20 men, 14 women, 10 boys and seven girls were all gathered inside the loading box in the truck.

    The spokesman suggested that the truck would come from Poland, so as to control it inside Germany near the Polish border. German police investigate adults in the group arrested on suspicion of entering the country without a permit, and current evidence suggests that at least one of them was registered in Romania as a refugee on 1 September 2017.

    Following their interrogation, they are expected to be transferred to the central housing institution of the state of Brandenburg and the Federal Police has received support in the care of the detainees, by the firefighters and the technical assistance organization, as well as the Brandenburg police.

    In addition to medical care, food and drink were served to the persons seized inside the tent. Many of the sick and paramedical vehicles were brought to the square by the tent. Some of these people were parked outside the tent while investigators examined the truck. Finished

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 1:48 pm