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    UAE: The four countries have moved to stop Qatar's support for terrorism

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    UAE: The four countries have moved to stop Qatar's support for terrorism Empty UAE: The four countries have moved to stop Qatar's support for terrorism

    Post by Rocky Sat 23 Sep 2017, 2:19 pm

    UAE: The four countries have moved to stop Qatar's support for terrorism
     Saturday, 23 September 2017 at 10:10 am (509 views)
    UAE: The four countries have moved to stop Qatar's support for terrorism 20170923_101056-534UAE: The four countries have moved to stop Qatar's support for terrorism


    Follow-up / Sky Press: "N"

     UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed said on Saturday that the four countries had taken measures to stop Qatar's support for terrorism. "Our choice is clear: stand against terrorism and intolerance of those who spread and support terrorism," he said, stressing that his country is based on spreading the values ​​of peace and defaming the rhetoric of extremism.

    The UAE Foreign Minister told the UN General Assembly in New York that the UAE is playing an active role in stabilizing the Arab countries.

    In addition, Abdullah bin Zayed reiterated his country's rejection of Iran's policies in interfering in the internal affairs of the Arab countries, stressing the UAE's adherence to its sovereign right over the three islands occupied by Iran.

    He supported tightening control over Iran's nuclear program and the ongoing assessment of the nuclear deal, stressing that Tehran had violated the spirit of the agreement.

    He added that "the cost of the crises in the region is high in lives and property He pointed out that the outcome of the Riyadh summit confirmed the Arab and Islamic unity to fight terrorism.

    The UAE Foreign Minister explained the continuation of his country's humanitarian approach in supporting the refugees, condemning the violence and mass displacement of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

    He also praised the role played by the Saudi leadership in providing humanitarian support to the Yemeni people, stressing that the UAE will continue its active role within the Arab alliance and condemned the destruction and sabotage carried out by the Huthi militia.

      Current date/time is Sat 07 Sep 2024, 10:25 pm