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    Zarif: Iran retains the option of withdrawing from the agreement and returning to the nuclear progra

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277102
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Zarif: Iran retains the option of withdrawing from the agreement and returning to the nuclear progra Empty Zarif: Iran retains the option of withdrawing from the agreement and returning to the nuclear progra

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Sep 2017, 4:31 am

    Zarif: Iran retains the option of withdrawing from the agreement and returning to the nuclear program

    11:05 - 24/09/2017

    Zarif: Iran retains the option of withdrawing from the agreement and returning to the nuclear progra %D8%B8%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%81-1-696x435
    Information / Baghdad ...
    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Sunday that Iran has several options, including withdrawal from the plan and a swift return to the nuclear program if the United States withdraws from the joint work plan for the nuclear agreement.
    "Iran does not buy US military equipment as beautiful as Trump described it when it made its deal with Saudi Arabia. Iran is the one that produces its defense equipment and we proved to all that our missiles are for defensive purposes," CNN quoted Zarif as saying. "He said.
    "Support for the commitment by the US administration is not part of the agreement, but the IAEA is the only authority capable of supporting the verification of Iran's sincerity," he said in response to a question on Iran's position on not supporting its commitment by the US administration or the recent withdrawal of the comprehensive joint action plan. In implementing their obligations ".
    "We have a number of options, including withdrawal from the agreement and a swift return to the nuclear program, but the restrictions we have voluntarily complied with will not remain as they are," he said.
    "Iran, as a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), has committed itself not to produce nuclear weapons," he said, referring to rumors that the plan had a deadline for America. Ending / 25 z

      Current date/time is Sat 07 Sep 2024, 10:22 pm