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    Trump: There is no nuclear deal after Iran 's missile test

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277309
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Trump: There is no nuclear deal after Iran 's missile test Empty Trump: There is no nuclear deal after Iran 's missile test

    Post by Rocky Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:58 am

    Trump: There is no nuclear deal after Iran 's missile test[/size]
     Trump: There is no nuclear deal after Iran 's missile test 0ef030c2-fa86-4af7-b8a4-6ac25881816d_16x9_600x338

     Twilight News    

     3 hours ago

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump said Iran's new missile test has raised doubts about the feasibility of a nuclear deal signed by the superpowers in 2015.
    "Iran has just tested a ballistic missile capable of reaching Israel, they are also working with North Korea, there is virtually no agreement," Trump wrote on Twitter.
    Trump's reaction comes hours after Tehran announced its test of the new 2000-km Khorramshahr missile, which could be equipped with multiple warheads, defying US warnings that ballistic missile development could prompt it to withdraw from the nuclear deal.
    The nuclear deal does not ban Iran's ballistic activities, but UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which ratified the deal, asks Iran not to undertake activities to develop missiles with nuclear warheads. On the other hand, Iranian officials assert that their country's missiles are not designed to carry nuclear warheads.
    The 2015 agreement is supposed to guarantee the civilian and peaceful character of Iran's nuclear program in the face of a gradual lifting of sanctions.
    Since Trump came to the presidency, the administration has denounced the agreement Trump pledged last year to tear it apart.
    Trump is due to report to Congress on October 15 if he considers Tehran to meet its obligations under the nuclear deal. If it is considered not to comply, this would open the way for new US sanctions against the Islamic Republic and may end up in the collapse of the agreement. Trump said on Wednesday he had made his decision but was not yet ready to reveal it.

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 11, 2024 5:48 am