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    Germany is considering increasing its troops in Afghanistan

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Germany is considering increasing its troops in Afghanistan Empty Germany is considering increasing its troops in Afghanistan

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Oct 2017, 3:10 am

    [size=30]Germany is considering increasing its troops in Afghanistan[/size]
    07/10/2017 08:54 | Number of readings: 198
    font size:  Germany is considering increasing its troops in Afghanistan Font_decrease  Germany is considering increasing its troops in Afghanistan Font_enlarge
     Germany is considering increasing its troops in Afghanistan Thumbnail.php?file=59d8f5f895a597c75a8b4567_531445234
    Trend Press
    The German Defense Ministry is considering increasing the number of its troops in Afghanistan, which is in charge of training the Afghan armed forces.
    According to the magazine "Der Spiegel" German, in its issue on Saturday, that the military leadership of the German forces are urging to increase the maximum number of soldiers participating in the mission from 980 soldiers to 1400 soldiers, given the volatile security situation in Afghanistan.
    A spokesman for the ministry confirmed the study of the matter in different ways, pointing out in return that the final decision has not yet been taken to increase the troops to a certain number.
    The German army has been in Afghanistan for nearly 16 years.
    NATO ended its war, which suffered heavy losses against the Taliban in 2013, and is currently there, to train and mentor the Afghan armed forces. 
    In the face of continued Taliban attacks, NATO and the United States, which has the largest number of troops on the mission by a large margin, have long been considering raising the number of international troops in Afghanistan, largely curtailed.
    US President Donald Trump announced in August 2016 his intention to increase US forces in Afghanistan, without specifying the number.
    Sources estimated at the Pentagon today the size of the required increase, about 4,000 soldiers.
    According to Der Spiegel, an increase in the number of German soldiers in Afghanistan to more than 1,000 troops would provoke a political debate, because it would be a clear departure from the goal of full withdrawal from this country.
    The decision is expected to be made during negotiations to form a governing coalition between the Christian Alliance, which belongs to Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Greens and the Free Democratic Party. C

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