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    US senator: Trump is leading us to a third world war

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    US senator: Trump is leading us to a third world war Empty US senator: Trump is leading us to a third world war

    Post by Rocky Mon 09 Oct 2017, 3:59 am

    US senator: Trump is leading us to a third world war
      Monday, 09 October 2017 at 10:23 am (Views 126)
    US senator: Trump is leading us to a third world war 20171009_102303-517US senator: Trump is leading us to a third world war

    Baghdad / Sky Press

    The US senator warned on Tuesday that World War III could start with a mistake by President Donald Trump.

    "Trump's threats against other countries would put the country on the path to World War III," the Republican senator said, according to the New York Times.

    "Trump worries me and worries everyone who cares about our nation," he said. "Trump has often damaged US diplomatic efforts through his writings on his page. In the social networking site "Twitter".

    The president of the International Affairs Committee and the president of the United States, Trump, had already exchanged insults on Twitter, accusing Trump Korker of being part of the "Iranian nuclear deal." In an e-mail on Twitter, To an "adult children's park".

    It should be noted that Washington recently launched sharp statements from time to time, in which it attacks Pyongyang.

    Trump threatened from the UN forum to destroy North Korea if it posed a threat to the United States.

    For his part, the North Korean president vowed to take the toughest measures to respond.

      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 11:36 pm