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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq participates in the ministerial meeting of the Arab - African Agricultural Development


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Iraq participates in the ministerial meeting of the Arab - African Agricultural Development Empty Iraq participates in the ministerial meeting of the Arab - African Agricultural Development

    Post by chouchou Tue 01 Oct 2013, 12:17 pm

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    Iraq participate tomorrow in the acts of the second ministerial meeting of the Arab - African Common Agricultural Development and Food Security to be held in Riyadh on Wednesday to discuss the Arab agricultural investments in Africa.

    And represent Iraq at the meeting, Minister of Agriculture Dr. Azzedine state at the head of a high level delegation which will discuss joint work plan for agricultural development and food security and the challenges facing the implementation and opportunities for investment environment in the two Arab and African countries, and proposed policies to activate the joint work plan and promote investment flows between the two regions. Adding that The meeting will be attended by ministers of agriculture Arabs, and Ministers of Agriculture of the African Union and some international organizations and the African, Arab and Arab Unions. already Ministerial Meeting meeting at the level of experts reviewing the developments of strategies for supporting agricultural development and food security in the two regions, and approve the recommendations in support of it, as they will in the Ministerial Meeting adoption of these resolutions and recommendations and submit them to the summit meeting of Arab - African, to be held in Kuwait in the month of November 2013.

    The meeting, organized by the League of Arab States under the banner of Arab-African cooperation by supporting the sustainability of investment in agriculture and food security in the scope of the Joint Action Plan.

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