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    Aljhazantrza law for Standardization and Quality Control No. 54 of 1979 (as amen

    Admin Assist
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    Aljhazantrza law for Standardization and Quality Control No. 54 of 1979 (as amen Empty Aljhazantrza law for Standardization and Quality Control No. 54 of 1979 (as amen

    Post by Rocky Wed 02 Oct 2013, 3:07 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Aljhazantrza law for Standardization and Quality Control No. 54 of 1979 (as amen

    Law / Document Number (ID): 54

    Type of Law: Law

    Date Issued: 13 May 1979

    Date Published: 4 Jun 1979

    Status: In force

    The Law of Organization for Standardization and Metrology No. 15 for the year 1963, the Industrial Control Act No. 92 of 1973, and remain in effect, to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this law, regulations, instructions and data and orders issued thereunder, until canceled.

    Behalf of the people
    Revolution Command Council
    Based on the provisions of paragraph (a) of Article 42 of the Interim Constitution
    Revolutionary Command Council decided its meeting held on 05/13/1979
    Version of the following law: -

    Article 1
    First - found under this law, a central body on behalf of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control, associated Planning Council, referred to in this Act to the device.
    Secondly - be the main center of the device in Baghdad, and has opened branches in Iraq, if required by the nature of his work it.
    Third - for a legal personality and financial and administrative autonomy for the exercise of his works and achieve his goals, he has the right to enjoy all kinds of legal actions, within the limits prescribed in this law.
    IV - referred to the specifications approved by the device to standard specifications of Iraq, and to the standards adopted by the device to the standards of Iraq.
    V. - referred to as specifications, of Iraqi non-standard specifications, adopted by the productive and followed the project for its own purposes by laboratory specifications.

    The objectives of the device
    Article 2
    Aims device to contribute to the advancement of the national economy and improve the national production and the protection of national wealth, by: -
    First - find references Iraqi certified measurement standards and methods of calibration.
    Secondly - to develop and provide standard specifications Iraq.
    Thirdly - raising production efficiency through quality control and quality control goods and domestic and imported products.
    Fourth - the protection of consumers and producers, as well as protecting the environment and public health and safety.
    V. - the development of disciplines in the fields of standardization and quality control.
    VI - the creation of scientific methods for the use of rational natural resources, products and energies.
    Seventh - Support for technical progress in the productive and service sectors.
    VIII - to unify standards in the Arab world.
    IX - expand the horizons of Arab and International Cooperation in various fields related to the standardization and quality control.
    X. - Raising awareness in the fields of standardization and quality control of all means available, and work to support and develop control public on the quality of goods and products .

    Terms of reference of the device
    Article 3

    Canceled paragraph (ix) of this Article, under Article (1) of the Code of the second amendment to the Law of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control No. 54 of 1979, number 26 issued on 1998 and replaced by the following text:
    the device to achieve goals set forth in this Act, including the following: -
    First - the adoption of a national system for measuring and monitoring its application, and finding and keeping a list and references standards Iraq.
    Secondly - the adoption and deployment, review and modify and cancel and replace the standard specifications of Iraq and control application.
    Thirdly - adopt and monitor the implementation of a national system of quality control, and technical assistance for the various sectors in finding circles For quality control it.
    Fourth - Granting quality mark and vacation use and regeneration, and the issuance of a certificate of conformity.
    V. - quality control of goods and national products, for export purposes.
    VI - consolidate and develop the means and methods of measurement and calibration of instrumentation and tuned, and issue calibration certificate.
    Seventh - Calibration and draw weights and measures The weights and Jewelry precious metals.
    VIII - Conduct tests and analysis, testing and research on standardization and quality control directly, or through the authorized accredited laboratories to do the job.
    IX - Canceled.
    X. - providing advice in the areas of specifications and standards and quality control.
    XI - Consideration of proposals and complaints of consumers and producers, with respect to specifications and quality products.
    XII - Printing and publishing, distribution and exchange of information and data, studies and references concerning the activities of the device and similar devices Arab, regional and international levels.
    XIII - prepare, train and raise the efficiency of workers from various levels in the fields of standardization and quality control.
    XIV - Cooperation with the Arab and regional institutions and similar international development activities of the device.
    XV - any other activities consistent with the nature of the terms of reference of the device.

    Board of Directors of the device
    Article 4
    First - Overlooking the Board of Directors, consisting of: -
    1 - Machine Head - president.
    2 - a representative of the Supreme Agricultural Council, at least the title and his Director General, nominated by the President of the Council - members.
    3 - representatives of the Ministries of Health, Industry and Minerals , oil, trade, housing and construction, at least the title and the job of general manager - members.
    4 - two representatives from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, is one of the institution of scientific research rank of Assistant Professor, Researcher, at least, the other from an Iraqi university, do not less rank scientific assistant professor, nominated by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research - two members.
    5 - Three Bran nominated by the Minister of Planning, on the proposal of the President of the device - members.
    6 - Heads of the device - members.
    Secondly - is set members mentioned in 2, 3, 4, 5 of the first, above, for a period of two years renewable, and that the decision of the Planning Board, upon the proposal of the Minister of Planning / Chairman of the Steering Board of the Planning Council.

    Machine Head
    Article 5
    First - The president appoints the device from among experienced and competent, a presidential decree, is particularly, on the proposal of the Minister of Planning / Chairman of the Steering Board of the Planning Council.
    Secondly - Machine Head, is the Supreme Head of the device, and issue decisions and orders in his name, or authorizing it, and a device before the courts and government departments, the socialist sector, natural and moral persons, public and private.

    Article 6
    Canceled paragraph (v) Article (1) of the Code of the third amendment to the Law of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control No. 20 of 2013 as canceled paragraph VI under the abolition of Law No. 22 of 1996,
    practicing head of the device, the following powers: -
    First - ed bodies or specialized committees The use of experts and specialists, staff and non-staff, and give them appropriate rewards.
    Secondly - assigning devices specialized technical, or one of the employees of the device, the detection and control of projects, for the purposes of quality control.
    Thirdly - rewards those who submit to a premium services, and anyone who helps to detect acts contrary to the provisions of this law.
    IV - granting certificates for industrial enterprises and production units, which maintains a high level of quality and quality of their products, so as to achieve the objectives of matches socialism.
    V. - exchange costs of actual feed and transport for workers who require their presence after the official working hours. That does not exceed 500 five hundred dinars day, or 1,000 dinars a day in cases of B outside places of residence.
    VI - Cancelled
    Article 7
    The device's internal system, approved by the Planning Board, upon the proposal of the Board of Directors device, which includes in particular the following: -
    First - Duties of the Board of Directors of the device and its powers and matters relating to the quorum convene and vote.
    Secondly - the duties of departments and sections of the device and its formations regulatory and style of work.
    Thirdly - matters relating to that met by the device of the services provided, as well as controls granting Alcavat.
    Fourth - the powers of the head of the Other.
    V. - any other regulatory matters required by the nature of the acts of the device.

    Device configurations
    Article 8
    First - The machine consists, from the following departments: -
    1 - Department of Altakiaas.
    2 - Department of quality control.
    3 - Department of Technical Services and Administrative.
    4 - State Department Other proposed Board of Directors of the device, and certifies the events.
    Planning Council
    II - each headed by a circle of departments mentioned in (i) above, the general manager.

    Financial Conditions

    Article 9
    This article were canceled under Article (2) of the Code of the third amendment to the law of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control No. (20) for the year 2013 and replaced with the following text:
    First - The financial resources of the device, which comes:
    1. Mirsd for funding annually as part of the general budget of the federal state.
    2. Wages Itsufaha the services.
    3. Grants and donations provided to the device according to the law.
    Second: The Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation, in coordination with the Finance Minister's proposal to reconsider amount of wages that meet in the device.
    Third: devolve wages provided for in paragraph 2 of the first item of this article to the public treasury.

    Article 10
    Canceled this article under Article (3) of the third amendment to the Law of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control No. (20) for the year and replaced by the following text:
    First - for a budget of its own, taking into account the organization and record-keeping computational Almqtadhah its laws and financial instructions.
    Second: The enjoy exemptions device and the advantages of the centers of the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation.

    Article 11
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Aljhazantrza law for Standardization and Quality Control No. 54 of 1979 (as amen Empty Re: Aljhazantrza law for Standardization and Quality Control No. 54 of 1979 (as amen

    Post by Rocky Wed 02 Oct 2013, 3:08 am

    First - be the specifications and standards Iraq adopted by the machine, binding and applicable throughout the Republic of Iraq, and announce the adoption in a statement published by the device in the Official Gazette, shows the address and number Standard Iraqi adopted by, the date set for the entry into force of mandatory application, either standard specifications binding upon entry into force of this law, فيستمر work and commitment, until repealed or amended, and the applicable provisions of this paragraph, goods and imported products.
    Secondly - may not be granted licenses to establish any new project, under the law of development and the organization of industrial investment No. 22 for the year 1973, unless identifies the owner of the project specifications intended output thereunder, and is the competent authority procuring backing device to it.
    Thirdly - all industrial project registered under the law of development and the organization of industrial investment, that determines the specifications laboratory approved by the its purpose during the period of ninety days from the date of entry into force of this law, and recorded by the device, to be identical or better than the specifications installed in a special form, which happened under the licenses to establish or expand the project, and is then bound him, and he has to take into account the application always means appropriate scientific, and in the absence of such specification, he must be determined in agreement with the device over a period not to exceed six months from the date of entry into force of this law.
    Fourth - for a demand of any industrial project licensed under the law of development and the organization of industrial investment, raise the level of specifications laboratory, based on the requirements of the public interest, in order to improve and develop industrial production.
    V. - the device granted an additional period specified for the extension of the effective date of mandatory standard specifications Iraqi and specifications laboratory, to some of the relevant authorities, having submitted a detailed report, to the device specifying the reasons that hinder the application of these standards and the time required to complete or provide the necessary supplies for it, that does not exceed the sum of extensions granted for this purpose one year.
    VI - to all ministries and government institutions concerned, to facilitate the procedures Almqtadhah to grant approvals and the provision of supplies that you need industrial projects to the possibility of the application of standard specifications Iraqi and specifications laboratory in a timely manner to them.
    Seventh - excluding the Department of Defense and its institutions, from the provisions of this Act, and may exclude some quarters productivity or service, in some cases with the exceptional nature or related special national security from the application of standard specifications Iraqi or specifications laboratory or a system of quality control, by the head of the Planning Council.
    Eighth - at all industrial projects to install their names on their products, and install the content and components of the products they make and No. specification used in the production on the box or casing or in the information card attached Mountoj in Arabic, and in the case of a specification Iraqi states to determine the effective date of trading of those products or their use, they pulled or received from vendors, when exceeding the target date for entry into force at the expense of the product, and provisions of this paragraph shall apply to institutions and those imported goods.

    Punitive provisions
    Article 12
    First - in the case of the violation of the standard specifications Iraqi or specifications laboratory in any project a production or service, for the President of the device or his nominee, to ask the management of the project in writing stop the violation within the period specified by, if refrained administration, it فتتخذ the following actions: -
    1 - If the project, which occurred when the offense back to the private sector, Ffleris device to decide, based on a report reasoned, to stop production or any part thereof subject of the violation, pending the removal of causes, in addition to the assignment of the offender to the competent court, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of this law.
    2 - If the project, which occurred when the offense back to the sector Socialist, For the President of the device to report reasoned to the President of the Planning Board to make the right decision, and treats the mixed sector in this regard the treatment of socialist sector.
    Secondly - the owner of the project in the private sector, the objection the decision of the President of the device, within a period of seven days from the date of suspension of production in the project, in front of the Planning Minister or his nominee, and the Minister of Planning, or his nominee, after standing on Ray device, may decide to support or modify or cancel the decision to stop production, that is within fifteen days from the date of registration of the objection to the Ministry of Planning.
    Thirdly - The decision of the Chairman of the Planning Council, or the Minister of Planning issued in accordance with the rule of the first and second paragraphs of this Article, permanently.

    Article 13
    Violation of the application of standard specifications of Iraq, or specifications laboratory issued, in accordance with Article XI of this law, imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or a fine not exceeding five thousand dinars, or both penalties, with the confiscation of materials and products on the market, and trading The products in question from the market, and trading at the expense of the offender.

    Article 14
    First - the ministries and institutions of socialist sector, mixed and all owners of productive projects and services in the private sector, to facilitate the tasks of employees of the device and to answer their queries and enable them to obtain information and data needed by the device in the implementation of the tasks entrusted to himself, including allowing employees of the device authorized to enter the site projects and shops business and access to records and documents, and other things that they deem necessary to perform the tasks assigned to them, under this law.
    Secondly - if necessary enter employees device of any project or place of business, in accordance with the provisions of this law and the laws and regulations in its complementary, it must be in possession of a private document proving affiliation of the device, and give them the power to enter the project or the workplace.
    Thirdly - the employees of the device to maintain the confidentiality of the information obtained, under the provisions of this law.

    Article 15
    Shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or a fine not exceeding five hundred dinars, each of: -
    First - Prevention of authorized employees of the device, according to the provisions of this law, from entering into the project to accomplish the tasks assigned to them, under this law.
    Secondly - declined to provide the information and data required by the device, in accordance with the provisions of this law.
    Article 16
    Nothing in this Act shall prevent legal hold the comments under another law, if the offense is punishable tougher.

    Final Provisions
    Article 17
    First - The Law of Authority for Standards and Metrology No. 15 of 1963, Law Industrial Control No. 92 for the year 1973, and remain in force, to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this law, regulations, instructions and data and orders issued thereunder, until canceled.
    Secondly - substitute for a device, replace a body of specifications and standards, or the Directorate of Research and Industrial Control General, and solve a machine head, replace a competent minister, wherever stated in the laws and regulations, instructions and decisions and orders, and assume the supervision of the application of laws that were the specifications and standards and the Directorate of Research and Industrial Control General, oversee the application.
    Thirdly - transferred to the device all the rights and obligations of the Authority for Standards and Metrology and the Directorate of Research and Industrial Control General, and is Menteboheme منقولين, to the device, while retaining all the rights granted to them by law.
    IV - apply to employees of the device, service rules applicable at the center National Computer Electronic, after adjusting table grades and functions attached to it to suit the functions the device, and works in the table in question, after approval by the Planning Board it, and re-calculating salaries of employees of the device, according to the rules in question.
    V. - subject to staff the device, to the civil retirement law No. 33 of 1966 , and the workers, to the law of retirement and social security for workers No. 39 of 1971.

    Article 18
    This article were canceled under Article (4) of the Code of the third amendment to the law of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control No. (20) for the year and replaced with the following text:
    Systems may be issued and instructions to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of this law.
    Article 19

    This law shall, after thirty days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
    Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr,
    head of the Revolutionary Command Council

    The reasons

    Due to his leadership of the party and the revolution to the issue of the introduction of scientific methods and modern technology and advanced production and work and make sure to make utmost efforts to improve the quality of output and adjust the quality and standardization of its products to ensure his rival for foreign products imported to considerations of economic, social and strategy. Based on the indicators organized by the National Development Plan for the years 1976 - 1980, and relating to the adoption of a system of quality control on production in the laboratory and subjected to continuous development, making national industrial products capable of competing goods similar in diameters advanced industrial countries, and work to tighten consumer national industry and to increase confidence and pride , and through an emphasis on the role of the Industrial Control and commitment to technical specifications standard for the product, in order to quality control, quality and production control in a comprehensive and continuous.
    Pursuant to the decision of the Planning Board No. 2 of 23 - 9-1978 included establishment of a central body for standardization and quality control, associated Planning Council promised him the responsibilities to develop and disseminate and monitor the application of standard specifications and all things related to standardization and quality control of production, and quality control of industrial products national.
    for it and what was the commitment standard specifications in various areas of productive life, service and administrative, is a manifestation of the manifestations of civilization as a measure of the progress of nations.
    has initiated this law.

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