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    10~02~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    10~02~2013 Horoscopes Empty 10~02~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Wed 02 Oct 2013, 5:37 am

        This is a great time to review your nutritional needs. As we have all come to learn, a day with three good meals and a few high-protein snacks is the best answer for a healthy you. If you find it difficult to stay awake in the afternoon and you enjoy milk, you might think about eliminating products that have l-tryptophan in their content until evening: turkey, milk, etc. Positive results and personal achievements can be recognized. You attract money and although this is a busy day, it is a very good day for job-related events. There are opportunities to correct, change or improve on working situations. You may shine in your particular job. You have a lot of energy for improving your surroundings or life situation. You are very motivated to improve.

        Today is a good day to take off for a vacation or just take the time to relax. Time away from regular responsibilities gives you new insight and renewed appreciation of just where you are in life. Short trips into the country for materials to decorate with may boost the spirits. Your support system--family, home and those who give you nourishment--becomes more secure. You are able to dispense with some of the unessential and develop what is most basic and true in your environment. You encourage better support. Your mind could be quite clear and natural. Ideas are flowing and come with ease. If you are not vacationing now, it is a great time to be with others in most any environment. People seek you out to be a leader, at work or home.

    You and a long-time friend may have words or may have gotten into the habit of arguing. Now is as good a time as any to change a negative to a positive. The mind simply cannot focus on misery when it is flooded with the desire to heal and make happy, even if the appearances and forms of misery remain. If you are in sales, this is the day you may have to work double-duty. All the energies seem to be in your favor for outstanding sales. This is another good day for requesting a loan or requesting that someone return a loan to you. There is an opportunity to attend a social event this evening. If you decide you want to attend this event, you will be at your most elegant. Your communication skills are at their best.

        If professional advice is needed, today is the best time to seek that advice. This could be a challenging day. There is an open door to success, however. In business, your secret for success seems to be that you always have another plan or project ready to lift off the ground. When you do things for others you actually help yourself and as usual, you look for ways to be helpful. Serving those who cannot help themselves--and getting such help if you need it--are essential lessons. Watching how people with difficulties make changes in their lives may encourage you to be more appreciative of your life and of those around you. If change is needed in your life, this is a good time to instigate a change. Change is the easiest thing to do. Let it flow and let it go.

        Independence and the urge to try new and different things may be on your mind today. Someone says something or an advertisement in the paper for some new adventure has your mind in a swirl. Wouldn't it be nice to do this or to do thatyou say. Well, you can do anything you want; make your plans. Take a 3x5 card catalog box and start keeping track of all the information that you would need to reach that goal; before you know it, you have the time, the money and the plans for exactly what you want to accomplish. You enjoy unusual or unconventional behaviors and have an interest in the exotic or in eccentric friends. In other words, you do not mind creating a situation where others will question an outcome.

        This is not perhaps a good time for you to try out new things or break away from the old routine. Business may be moving along very well but advancing or making changes could be on hold for a time. Do not try to dig too deep to find answers at this time. There will soon be a time for better understanding. For now, just know that life would be rather dull if there were not some of the treading-water type of activity for a bit. You have good insight and can excel above most when it comes to making adjustments or coaching others to make adjustments. Partners are idealistic or unusual in some way. Romance and other things that tug at the heartstrings come your way as a new cycle begins in this realm. A loved one may come to mean everything

        Increased confidence and a more outgoing manner may be the keys that open many a new door in your career. With you, dreams and ideals have become a way of life. You seek to bring them down to earth and make them real. You will never let your dreams fade. You may find an old interest in music, mysticism and the arts has returned and now would be a good time to drag that old instrument out or to join a musical group. If you are involved in a technical job, your hobby will become a main attraction--you could be working to support your hobby for a while. You may discover a new you through creativity and self-expression. A kind of romantic wistfulness characterizes your approach to life now. This could mean a longing for a soul mate.

        A need to be respected is an emotionally charged issue at this time. You show your talent today for organizing things and people, as a sense of ambition and practicality takes hold. Work, achievement and ambition mean a lot to you. You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with others. You know just what to do and can act without haste and emotion. You may even have a little opportunity to show off a bit--perhaps a master of ceremonies or some performing arts. You are called on to make use of your natural abilities. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. A sense of support and harmony makes this a happy time.

    You may not appreciate the emotional energy of someone you meet today but with patience, you will do fine. It is not necessary for you to point the behavior out to anyone--this could be a political situation of which higher-ups are aware. Your comments may not be beneficial to your position and you will want to remember that others may take note of your professional behavior. You are good at making practical decisions concerning important issues. You always seem to have a different slant on situations and can bring simple solutions when others go a step too far in finding solutions. You usually have a natural sense of what the public wants. This evening is a good time for surrounding yourself with friends and taking a break from your hard work.

        This is a prime time to complete unfinished tasks and to work in a team. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job, especially if you complain. You are willing to lend a helping hand to a co-worker today. You may be moved to appreciate many things this afternoon as you shop, perhaps a new store. You seem to be echoing the words, "ah, wouldn't that be lovely here," or "ah, wouldn't that be lovely there," careful. Be wise not to overspend or indulge too much just now--enjoy feeding the ducks or flying a kite. You can expect a little boost, some sort of extra support or recognition from those around you today. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony with others; the lines of communication are open.

    You feel a love of order and law--an appreciation for responsibilities and duty. Problems are valued for the lessons they represent, rather than perceived as obstacles. Others may find you especially witty and eccentric today. You may have insights or breakthroughs concerning your living situation or life circumstances. People value you for your independence and unique qualities. You may enjoy spending time with a favorite pet this afternoon. You enjoy teaching your animal friend new tricks and showing off to others. Children mimic your behavior and your patience. You may find yourself reflecting on your own youth or some event in the past. Communication with those around you, especially young people, may be quite wonderful today.

        This is a great time to be with others and to work together. You may be asked to come to the rescue due to some difficult problem in the workplace today. Do not be surprised and know that you will be able to achieve a positive result. Your directional abilities are in high focus. You find that you can think things through and really use your mind to make clear choices. Work moves along smoothly in the afternoon once again and you may begin to think on ways you can improve your position. You could receive unexpected help from someone older or from authority figures. A person or teacher could appear. Perhaps you are learning the art of carpentry or the art of balance. Whatever the case, you enjoy diving in and tackling whatever is at hand.

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 9:28 am