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    The three-dimensional printing service enters the capital's hospitals

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The three-dimensional printing service enters the capital's hospitals Empty The three-dimensional printing service enters the capital's hospitals

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Oct 2017, 1:53 am

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    The three-dimensional printing service enters the capital's hospitals

     Baghdad / Range 

    The Department of Health Baghdad Karkh, on Sunday, the success of the first surgery using the technique of printing three-dimensional in the city of Imamim Kadhimin medical. 
    "A joint medical team specializing in face and maxillofacial surgery and neurosurgery has been able to perform a 27-year-old patient who had previously been exposed to a traffic accident using a three-dimensional printing technique," the department said in a statement. 
    "The patient suffered a pre-accident, resulting in the loss of the frontal part of the skull, and after conducting the necessary examinations of the radiation and the parasites, the team decided to carry out a process to compensate for the missing part," the statement quoted the head of the medical team surgeon Ammar Yas as saying.
    "The neurologists have separated the brain tissue from the front tissue, and then the facial and maxillofacial team installed the titanium plate and stitched the clamps," Yas said. "The operation took two hours and the patient is now in good health." 
    He added that "this process is the first of its kind in the medical city where the use of three-dimensional printing technology to study the dimensions of the missing part and the preparation of the network, which reduces the duration of the process by 50%." 
    The medical team is composed of specialists in all branches of the operation, as well as board doctors, anesthesiologists and nurses.

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