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    Washington sets new conditions for a nuclear deal with Iran

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Washington sets new conditions for a nuclear deal with Iran Empty Washington sets new conditions for a nuclear deal with Iran

    Post by Rocky Wed 25 Oct 2017, 3:34 am

    [size=30]Washington sets new conditions for a nuclear deal with Iran[/size]
    25/10/2017 10:15 | Number of readings:
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     Washington sets new conditions for a nuclear deal with Iran Thumbnail.php?file=750_1e12538483_562903704
    Trend Press / Agencies
    The US Senate has set tough new conditions for a nuclear deal with Iran, including the restoration of sanctions if Tehran tested a ballistic missile capable of carrying a warhead or prevented nuclear inspectors from entering any site.
    Draft legislation has been in place since 13 October when US President Donald Trump announced that he would not formally believe that Tehran was committed to the international nuclear deal and called on Congress to draft legislation to tighten the terms of the agreement.
    Trump has repeatedly declared his desire to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran, saying it was "the worst agreement signed by the United States, but he has ratified it twice, since, since the entry into force of the nuclear agreement on 16 January 2016, The US administration must ratify it every 90 days before Congress.

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 10:52 am