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    Fayyad criticizes US Secretary of State's statements

    Admin Assist
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    Fayyad criticizes US Secretary of State's statements Empty Fayyad criticizes US Secretary of State's statements

    Post by Rocky Sat 28 Oct 2017, 1:58 am

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    Fayyad criticizes US Secretary of State's statements

    Baghdad / Range 

    The national security adviser and head of the popular crowd, Faleh al-Fayyad, criticized yesterday the remarks made by US Secretary of State Rex Tilerson, in which he demanded that Baghdad stay away from Iran and strengthen its relations with Saudi Arabia. "The US Secretary of State is not qualified to comment on the Iraqi popular crowd," Fayyad said in a statement published on the official website of the Popular Propaganda Organization. "These comments are rejected and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi considers them an interference in the internal affairs of Iraq."
    "The popular mobilization is a key force and has been instrumental in winning the victory and defeating the enemy in all regions over the past three years," he said, adding that it was "a source of pride for all Iraqis." 
    Fayyad stressed that "the popular crowd is the representative of the Iraqi people, who responded to the appeal of the religious authority and started to defend his land and holy sites," stressing that "no one is allowed to harm this popular institution." 
    In response to journalists' questions in Geneva about the Iranian intervention in Iraq, the US Secretary of State said that his country "does not cancel all relations between Iraq and Iran, but Baghdad is required to develop its own capabilities." 
    "The Iraqis are Arabs, not Arabs, whether they are Sunnis or Shiites. I think the Saudis are willing to resume their relations with the Iraqis with whom they are associated with old tribal brothers," Tillerson said.
    Last week, the US secretary of state said it was time for the Iranian-backed factions to return to their "homes," as well as their Iranian advisers, after they helped Iraq defeat a militant organization.

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