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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    10~05~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    10~05~2013 Horoscopes  Empty 10~05~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Sat 05 Oct 2013, 8:43 am

        A mate, children and other people or things dear to your heart are emphasized this morning. People have places to go and things to do and that may leave you alone for a great deal of the day. Left to your own resources you may choose to do nothing. After all, sometimes it is more fun to do work or projects with others. However, today is a day to think about what you might like that the usual people around you on a saturday really do not care to do. Have a beauty treatment, whether you are male or female. Have a day at a scary movie with lots of popcorn and butter. Another idea would be to go to a garden place or hardware store and plan a new project. A phone call from a friend will invite you to join him or her and try out for a play or music forum--do it!

        Today is a good time to take risks or to start something new. You will prosper through new insights, inventions and an independent point of view. You may decide to go organic around your place--others are interested at this time. If each person is responsible for one vegetable to grow, a winter garden could appear. You can expect a little boost, some sort of extra support or recognition from those around you. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony with others as the lines of communication seem wide open. Neighbors poke their heads out the door to wave or stop to chat when they see you in the yard. People that may have lost touch and want to reconnect call you on the phone. You will enjoy this day and the people in it.

        This is a rewarding day--a time when the new and unexpected may figure in your living situation or surroundings. An insight about your support system: your family members may be important. A visitor from some distant part of the family may become your best friend. Your house may not hold all the family for the entire visit but future phone calls could hold your interest for a lifetime. You may enjoy a student or a young person who trusts you with personal feelings today. There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your own self-image or into your ideals and dreams. Something you learned from your past will be beneficial to this person; just stop and think how you needed some insight in your youth. There is much compassion all day long.

        This is a rewarding day--a time when the new and unexpected may figure in your living situation or surroundings. An insight about your support system: your family members may be important. A visitor from some distant part of the family may become your best friend. Your house may not hold all the family for the entire visit but future phone calls could hold your interest for a lifetime. You may enjoy a student or a young person who trusts you with personal feelings today. There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your own self-image or into your ideals and dreams. Something you learned from your past will be beneficial to this person; just stop and think how you needed some insight in your youth. There is much compassion all day long.

        Questions about recycling will encourage you and your family to find all sorts of objects that can be made into useful or unique items. Some things could be turned into a bird feeder or a lawn ornament or any other number of useful creations. This is a rewarding day. You may find that a few items will bring in a little extra money for your pockets. Some civic duty may be in order later this afternoon. If you are asked for your ideas, you will find you are not challenged. An individual that you find difficult and who usually seems obnoxious will have little to say. Sports, a movie, a short weekend trip, whatever you are in the mood to do, others will follow. You feel healthy and natural. A special thank you note is important to write and ready for the mail.

        Be open to those around you--listen to their feelings, not necessarily their words. Someone could challenge you on a very sensitive issue but this is the opportunity you have been waiting for, as it gives you the possibility of trying out some new communication techniques. You have some insights that will help others as well as yourself today. You may be very pleased with a few new ideas on solving problems that you have developed over the last few months. New tools for communication, especially with a disagreeable person, are proving quite successful now. Harmonious ties to others are what you yearn for; refinement and elegance are what you seek. Consider writing a short story that would be uplifting and encouraging to others.

        Circumstances bend to your will and situations work out smoothly. Here is a real opportunity to complete any personal projects and work out difficulties. You should be able to get your ideas across with ease. Today and the next few days are wonderful times to enjoy a short trip or begin a vacation. General good feeling and a sense of support and harmony make this a happy time. There are makings for a bright and witty day. Your communication skills are at a high-water mark. Psychological values and material possessions become very important for you now and they are in a state of change: what is old and familiar is left behind or changed so thoroughly as to be unrecognizable. This can be a very productive time in your life.

        A family member or friend may want a loan for personal or business reasons. He or she will be able to pay back the loan quickly. Self-control and setting limits are important in love and other games of chance: think long-term and be realistic in your approach to these things. Emotional seriousness, a sober adjustment and a practical awareness of time are keynotes of your deepest feelings. Frustration, especially in getting things accomplished, may set today's mood but you can change it to a wait-and-see sort of attitude. Exercise some control and be ready for possible delays. While waiting you could take notes on the next step. Do not push too hard. The evening can be enjoyed by all and may even include a bit of competitive sport.

        Professional advice today and tomorrow will be good for your listening pleasure. Financial savvy and a practical turn of mind are qualities that take on greater importance in your life. This could be a real-estate situation or an auction of some sort. You are good at what you do and seem to have a knack for knowing when to purchase the best buys. You also play the role of a facilitator and this can prove to be quite a rewarding day. You value fairness in all things and go out of your way to be just. You appreciate others who have been successful and may surround yourself with those in power--be they politicians, officials, etc. Your sense of quality and discrimination may amount to some sort of livelihood. You could make your living with your good taste.

        Beginning a diet is favored today. Making peace with the past and coming to terms with karmic debts are some of the issues that come to your attention as well. Setting new goals and throwing yourself into some community project are where the energies are well spent today. You accomplish much for others and in turn you are rewarded for your efforts. Some of this day is special--for you. You must learn to set aside some time each day to meditate and create a sense of peace. Lovers, children and other people or things dear to your heart are emphasized at this period in your life. You set the example of how to live a good life and how to excel in the art of happiness. You are at your most elegant on a date this evening.

        A yearning for the stimulation of new ideas and ideals is emphasized now. Learn and teach the word no . . . It will do you more good than learning some other language. New friends and an involvement in some fun group event grab your attention this afternoon. If you are not working today, you make plans to attend this activity and in turn, meet new people. Listening to some of the conversations today, you may realize that politics could be a stimulating, interesting subject and you might be wise to inform yourself of the upcoming voting issues. You may decide to take a stand and make yourself be known when it comes to certain issues. Careful--you may go where angels fear to tread. Lend a listening ear but also enjoy the fun, food and cheer.

        There is a feeling that time is slipping away this afternoon and you may want to accomplish more than there are hours in this day. Make a list and leave some of the projects for another day. Relax! A drive to the outskirts of town with a friend or loved one may find some foliage that you can take home with you for decorations representing the fall season. If you can treat this foliage with a spray of sorts, it will remain beautiful for some time. Make a fun project out of your day. This may also include painting or repair of some sort. There will still be time to set aside later for a different sort of relaxation. You find yourself quick-witted. There is a chance to give attention to your family through games or time around the dinner table. This is a special time.

      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 9:16 pm