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    Food and water cut off Australian asylum-seekers' detention center

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Food and water cut off Australian asylum-seekers' detention center Empty Food and water cut off Australian asylum-seekers' detention center

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Oct 2017, 2:32 am

    Food and water cut off Australian asylum-seekers' detention center
      Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at 10:17 am (32 views)
    Food and water cut off Australian asylum-seekers' detention center 20171031_101754-984Food and water cut off Australian asylum-seekers' detention center


    Baghdad / Sky Press:

    Tensions are mounting after food and water supplies are cut off in an Australian-run refugee camp in Papua New Guinea, where the closure of the camp has taken effect.

    Tensions have risen in an Australian-run refugee camp on Manos Island in Papua New Guinea after food and water supplies have been cut off and hundreds of asylum seekers are to be relocated to a local town.

    The refugees were asked to move from the camp, which is due to be closed today, after the Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea considered it illegal, to temporary housing facilities in the island's main town of Lorenjao.

    But refugees detained since 2014 refuse to move elsewhere, saying they fear they will be attacked by locals.

    "Local residents are very angry with the Australian government and are preparing with arms and knives," Behrouz Bouchani, a refugee from Manous camp, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. "They are determined to prevent the (local) government from transferring refugees elsewhere."

    "Local people are worried about 600 foreign men in their area on the small island," he said.

    Australia is following a tough policy to stop illegal immigration to the country, which provides for intercepting and returning smuggled migrants to their places of origin, as well as arresting those arriving at special detention centers on remote islands in the central Pacific.

      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 1:31 am