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    Moussawi: Maliki will not be looking at Washington, his third mandate and would accept the security

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    Moussawi: Maliki will not be looking at Washington, his third mandate and would accept the security  Empty Moussawi: Maliki will not be looking at Washington, his third mandate and would accept the security

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Oct 2013, 5:44 am

    Moussawi: Maliki will not be looking at Washington, his third mandate and would accept the security file

    Baghdad, - Presse Iraq -6 October / October: said Ali al-Moussawi, media adviser to Prime Minister Nuri al-Amalikian recent visit to Washington will begin in the 28 of the month of October at the invitation of President Obama. "

    Moussawi said that "al-Maliki will discuss at the head of a large government delegation with U.S. President Barack Obama, the situation in the region, especially the Syrian crisis and discuss the Iraqi initiative, which calls for a peaceful solution and an immediate cease-fire."

    And research in Washington's position of a third term for the owners Moussawi said that "this is an internal affair looking between the Iraqi parties only, is not entitled to an external party to intervene in it, and rumors about the reason for the visit is to get the support of an American for a third term just perceptions and speculation political parties wary of this visit. "

    Moussawi strongly denied what some of the media, a few days ago, U.S. President refused to meet al-Maliki, confirmed that the prime minister, "he apologized since the beginning of this year for failure to meet the invitations similar cables."

    According to al-Musawi, "The U.S. administration began to realize very well that Iraq is a party is able to find a real and realistic exit to the Syrian crisis and positively ستتعاطى with mandated UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Baghdad contact the parties to the Syrian crisis."

    Moussawi said that "Iraqi efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis through Aldboulmasah where the interests of Iraq first, because the continuation of the situation as it is now will lead to more complexity and deterioration of security in the region."

    Moreover, informed sources said L / Iraq Press / that "al-Maliki to discuss with Obama activate the strategic agreement between Iraq and the United States, and delivery mechanisms Iraq weapons and American aircraft amounting to $ 4 billion, as announced by the U.S. State Department the end of last year." ENDS (1)

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