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    Diplomatic sources: al-Maliki's trip to Washington, an additional test of Iran's intentions

    Admin Assist
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    Diplomatic sources: al-Maliki's trip to Washington, an additional test of Iran's intentions  Empty Diplomatic sources: al-Maliki's trip to Washington, an additional test of Iran's intentions

    Post by Rocky Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:27 am

    Diplomatic sources: al-Maliki's trip to Washington, an additional test of Iran's intentions

    Author: BS

    Editor: BS, OK

    10/08/2013 12:58

    Range Press / Beirut

    Linked to well-informed diplomatic sources in Beirut upcoming trip to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Washington, which began dialogue between Iran and the United States, and the Iraqi regional role, as Washington sees, in the next phase.

    The official Iraqi sources confirm that Iraq is invited to help find a political solution to the Syrian crisis, and that his mission as an intermediary can start from points of intersection Iranian-American, as well as dialogue Saudi Iranian expected, volunteered to him by President Hassan Rohani, in his quest to build flexible relationships with Gulf neighbors.

    In the assessment of Iraq's official circles that Baghdad could employ new understandings between Iran and the United States, in easing tensions on the Iraqi-level procedure.

    In this context, Obama could discuss with Maliki mechanisms to activate the strategic framework between the two countries, a framework had entered the station to wait since it was signed and such a debate in itself constitute an additional test of Iran's intentions.

    Records show the White House, the U.S. president did not speak to the president of the Iraqi government since more than two years, and that the last contact between Maliki and senior U.S. official was in November 2012, when Baader-Maliki to congratulate U.S. Vice President Joe Biden re-election for a second term, and wished him to convey his greetings to President Obama.

    In the meantime, stresses close to the White House that Washington is not willing, at this stage at least, to show any discrimination in its relations with Iraqi parties different, which is dealing with al-Maliki as an ally of Iran in Iraq, and the leader of a group of Iraqi political, after he missed more of the opportunity to transform itself from a party leader to head a national government University, تتملكه of domination and desire bickering and quotas.

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    Insane Investor
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    Diplomatic sources: al-Maliki's trip to Washington, an additional test of Iran's intentions  Empty Re: Diplomatic sources: al-Maliki's trip to Washington, an additional test of Iran's intentions

    Post by CITEX Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:24 pm

    Records show the White House, the U.S. president did not speak to the president of the Iraqi government since more than two years
    This is the most eye opening part of this entire story... 2 years. Unbeleivable, who is driving the ship? Think about all the changes that have taken place in Iraq in the last 2 years and not once did the Presidents talk... If only we could get him to stop talking over here.. almost there, oh yeah they stopped working not talking.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:45 am