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    TEHRAN: Foreign investments have doubled 10 times after the nuclear deal

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    TEHRAN: Foreign investments have doubled 10 times after the nuclear deal Empty TEHRAN: Foreign investments have doubled 10 times after the nuclear deal

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Nov 2017, 2:49 am

    TEHRAN: Foreign investments have doubled 10 times after the nuclear deal

    10:20 - 12/11/2017

    TEHRAN: Foreign investments have doubled 10 times after the nuclear deal %D8%B7%D9%87%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86-696x435
    Information / Baghdad ..
    TEHRAN (Reuters) - The volume of foreign investments reached about 10 times after the nuclear deal came into effect in January 2015, Iranian government spokesman Mohammad Baqir Nobkhat said on Sunday.
    "In light of the mechanisms created by the US administration, the situation in the international economy has developed in difficult circumstances, but the situation could improve in the future," he said.
    He said the 10-fold increase in foreign investment in the country is an indicator of the government's proper performance, adding that our agenda includes the provision of internal resources by providing facilities to the non-governmental sector in order to activate the stagnant sections.
    The government has increased its domestic investment by 7.1 percent and to reach an 8 percent growth in the economy, it is estimated that 770,000 trillion riyals ($ 35,000) of investment will be required annually.

      Current date/time is Sat 25 Jan 2025, 3:08 am