If you need a loan, this is a good day to request one. This is a perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the drive and energy you could want today. It should be easy to channel your energies in the right direction. The path is open and clear. Communicating and being understood is important to you and today seems to be a high point for you as you learn new techniques and skills for being clearly understood. You are respected for your efforts with this endeavor. Your timing should be perfect, and those around you should find you most spontaneous. You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today. You feel especially kind toward a friend or loved one. Someone compliments you on your tastes.
A little time this morning will allow you to design and create something wonderful from your imagination. If you can craft it in you mind and deeply believe in what you have designed or crafted in your mind, you will achieve it in reality. Success is near. Any professional advice you might need is available. You will also have the support you require as you readily give support to others. Someone may challenge you but that just makes your work more focused. You combine drive and enthusiasm with ambition and self-control in your professional work. You will accomplish much toward your goals through careful concentration. This afternoon and evening you may decide to map out places outside the city for a weekend adventure.
You do a lot that shows you have a genius mentality or at least close. Some of the things you think and say are obviously brilliant. You have such an outpouring of insight that having a conversation with you can be a real experience. Your mind works like lightning. Words and thoughts are easily said but not many listen. Consider joining a group of people that enjoy similar activities; you will have much to communicate. You will find a multitude of friends where there was once, none or few. There may also be a sustained interest in communication, computers, electronics and all that is electrical. This is a good day to start a diet or perhaps, a new and positive habit. All the energies are working in your favor for success.
Your public image has become improved and you may find higher-ups are taking another look at your possibilities. The good life and all that is fine and luxurious may be what you value just now. You could enjoy making your own way and finding solutions to whatever problems you have but it is much more fun with a support system. If someone from your professional life asks you and your family to join in some activity away from work, it would be good to go. You may be pleased to find many people have quite a fondness for you and your ideas. Someone may want to help you move up the corporate ladder. A relationship with an older person that has presented some emotional challenge in the past may become more positive now. You are learning patience.
This day is one that opens up opportunities for improvement and positive changes. You may not find the support you want at this time but it does not mean you will not have it eventually. For now, the energies could be a bit scattered. Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear. The important word here, however, is temporary! You may have a presentation later today and your job for now is to concentrate on selling your ideas to others, which you can do very well. You will be incredible . . . Poised and confident. This is the way you get attention and because you are so convinced of your own project, others will be convinced as well. Check the calendar this afternoon; a bit of shopping may be in order. Take an umbrella with you tonight.
Magical things seem to happen today and everything works well for you. You may find that you are more organized than usual--able to reach new levels of self-discipline. A class that you took in the past or the education that you received to get you where you are now is appreciated. A difficult customer this afternoon gains everyone's attention; you are the one that can put everything in perspective. You are good at calming the emotional frustrations of another as you know just the right questions to ask. It is wisdom and not always knowledge that counts the most. Some type of entertainment fills the air at your house this evening. Neighbors and friends may enjoy an unexpected evening and card or board game interaction here and there.
This is a vital day with much energy and lots of action. You may feel focused and even a bit happy. You could find yourself in the limelight or able to really communicate and get yourself across to others. A financial or business opportunity is opening up to you now and this seems to be the right time to become better known for your ideas and insight. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others and are in a good position to interact in groups and society in general. As a sports-minded person, you may find some group sport that is a fun way to work off any excessive energy this afternoon. Others in this birth sign may enjoy some social event with friends. This is a fortunate friday for you in many ways.
Your attitude is that your professional life is as fun as your personal life. People around you use you as a mentor. You are appreciated for your ability to respond quickly when others need help. You may enjoy being called upon to help others, so when you respond that it is your pleasure to be helpful--you mean it. Communications with others are positive. You may find your run of luck more positive than usual this friday. It is a very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover--you feel successful. Difficult matters of the past are coming to a successful end. New and constructive plans are in the making for your whole family. Do you sing together?
Things are happening, and your career depends upon your own ambition and drive, which are strong now. Your thoughts count--so use your mind and communicate. You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with others. Material things and the whole concept of value take on more importance for you. Financial security and enjoying the finer things in life, appreciating and creating things others long to have are experiences that assume a high priority. There are opportunities available for you to improve your budget. Your mind may be very clear--your thoughts are brought to a sharp focus. It is easy to organize your thoughts, and communication of all kinds is furthered--write that book or take that course.
All your co-worker friends are just as happy as you are that this is friday. You have all been working hard to please customers and complete projects. Today may be the last push to complete whatever has been left for the last minute. You have an uncanny ability to get beyond the usual, always coming up with new ways of doing things. You can take the most mundane stuff and find a new angle. You enjoy working with these co-workers as they are as unpredictable and spontaneous as you. Many of you prefer to create as you work and you respect other people's ability to build and design. Regardless of the challenges to construct, you are ready for the weekend. There are creative adventures as well as party invitations just waiting for you.
Life may be a bit frustrating today. Frustrations are ironed out in no time with your patience. It is almost like the frustrations happen so you will come to the rescue. In the past there was a tendency to have difficulty making choices and decisions. You have learned problem-solving techniques and can use them today successfully. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder! Concentrating and getting down to the basics is the best path to take this afternoon. There is a community affair this evening that will bring a positive end to a confusing day. Perhaps stopping to feed the ducks or to check out a bookstore will help in making the transition from high awareness to enjoying the world around you. Music brings new perspective.
This is an important day that you can use to your advantage. This day is not too lazy or too stressful--it is a time for accomplishing tasks or setting things up to work in your favor. Delays and inconveniences, however, may try your patience. Plan ahead, proof your work and confirm appointments. A visitor or customer in your workplace today compliments you on your efficiency and polite behavior. At home this afternoon a visitor may have a lot to say that is complimentary regarding your home, color scheme or the landscape around your home. Short trips can be enjoyed soon. A few last minute shopping trips or phone calls will get you where you want to go. There may be an older person to visit before your start any type of trip.
If you need a loan, this is a good day to request one. This is a perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the drive and energy you could want today. It should be easy to channel your energies in the right direction. The path is open and clear. Communicating and being understood is important to you and today seems to be a high point for you as you learn new techniques and skills for being clearly understood. You are respected for your efforts with this endeavor. Your timing should be perfect, and those around you should find you most spontaneous. You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today. You feel especially kind toward a friend or loved one. Someone compliments you on your tastes.
A little time this morning will allow you to design and create something wonderful from your imagination. If you can craft it in you mind and deeply believe in what you have designed or crafted in your mind, you will achieve it in reality. Success is near. Any professional advice you might need is available. You will also have the support you require as you readily give support to others. Someone may challenge you but that just makes your work more focused. You combine drive and enthusiasm with ambition and self-control in your professional work. You will accomplish much toward your goals through careful concentration. This afternoon and evening you may decide to map out places outside the city for a weekend adventure.
You do a lot that shows you have a genius mentality or at least close. Some of the things you think and say are obviously brilliant. You have such an outpouring of insight that having a conversation with you can be a real experience. Your mind works like lightning. Words and thoughts are easily said but not many listen. Consider joining a group of people that enjoy similar activities; you will have much to communicate. You will find a multitude of friends where there was once, none or few. There may also be a sustained interest in communication, computers, electronics and all that is electrical. This is a good day to start a diet or perhaps, a new and positive habit. All the energies are working in your favor for success.
Your public image has become improved and you may find higher-ups are taking another look at your possibilities. The good life and all that is fine and luxurious may be what you value just now. You could enjoy making your own way and finding solutions to whatever problems you have but it is much more fun with a support system. If someone from your professional life asks you and your family to join in some activity away from work, it would be good to go. You may be pleased to find many people have quite a fondness for you and your ideas. Someone may want to help you move up the corporate ladder. A relationship with an older person that has presented some emotional challenge in the past may become more positive now. You are learning patience.
This day is one that opens up opportunities for improvement and positive changes. You may not find the support you want at this time but it does not mean you will not have it eventually. For now, the energies could be a bit scattered. Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear. The important word here, however, is temporary! You may have a presentation later today and your job for now is to concentrate on selling your ideas to others, which you can do very well. You will be incredible . . . Poised and confident. This is the way you get attention and because you are so convinced of your own project, others will be convinced as well. Check the calendar this afternoon; a bit of shopping may be in order. Take an umbrella with you tonight.
Magical things seem to happen today and everything works well for you. You may find that you are more organized than usual--able to reach new levels of self-discipline. A class that you took in the past or the education that you received to get you where you are now is appreciated. A difficult customer this afternoon gains everyone's attention; you are the one that can put everything in perspective. You are good at calming the emotional frustrations of another as you know just the right questions to ask. It is wisdom and not always knowledge that counts the most. Some type of entertainment fills the air at your house this evening. Neighbors and friends may enjoy an unexpected evening and card or board game interaction here and there.
This is a vital day with much energy and lots of action. You may feel focused and even a bit happy. You could find yourself in the limelight or able to really communicate and get yourself across to others. A financial or business opportunity is opening up to you now and this seems to be the right time to become better known for your ideas and insight. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others and are in a good position to interact in groups and society in general. As a sports-minded person, you may find some group sport that is a fun way to work off any excessive energy this afternoon. Others in this birth sign may enjoy some social event with friends. This is a fortunate friday for you in many ways.
Your attitude is that your professional life is as fun as your personal life. People around you use you as a mentor. You are appreciated for your ability to respond quickly when others need help. You may enjoy being called upon to help others, so when you respond that it is your pleasure to be helpful--you mean it. Communications with others are positive. You may find your run of luck more positive than usual this friday. It is a very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover--you feel successful. Difficult matters of the past are coming to a successful end. New and constructive plans are in the making for your whole family. Do you sing together?
Things are happening, and your career depends upon your own ambition and drive, which are strong now. Your thoughts count--so use your mind and communicate. You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with others. Material things and the whole concept of value take on more importance for you. Financial security and enjoying the finer things in life, appreciating and creating things others long to have are experiences that assume a high priority. There are opportunities available for you to improve your budget. Your mind may be very clear--your thoughts are brought to a sharp focus. It is easy to organize your thoughts, and communication of all kinds is furthered--write that book or take that course.
All your co-worker friends are just as happy as you are that this is friday. You have all been working hard to please customers and complete projects. Today may be the last push to complete whatever has been left for the last minute. You have an uncanny ability to get beyond the usual, always coming up with new ways of doing things. You can take the most mundane stuff and find a new angle. You enjoy working with these co-workers as they are as unpredictable and spontaneous as you. Many of you prefer to create as you work and you respect other people's ability to build and design. Regardless of the challenges to construct, you are ready for the weekend. There are creative adventures as well as party invitations just waiting for you.
Life may be a bit frustrating today. Frustrations are ironed out in no time with your patience. It is almost like the frustrations happen so you will come to the rescue. In the past there was a tendency to have difficulty making choices and decisions. You have learned problem-solving techniques and can use them today successfully. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder! Concentrating and getting down to the basics is the best path to take this afternoon. There is a community affair this evening that will bring a positive end to a confusing day. Perhaps stopping to feed the ducks or to check out a bookstore will help in making the transition from high awareness to enjoying the world around you. Music brings new perspective.
This is an important day that you can use to your advantage. This day is not too lazy or too stressful--it is a time for accomplishing tasks or setting things up to work in your favor. Delays and inconveniences, however, may try your patience. Plan ahead, proof your work and confirm appointments. A visitor or customer in your workplace today compliments you on your efficiency and polite behavior. At home this afternoon a visitor may have a lot to say that is complimentary regarding your home, color scheme or the landscape around your home. Short trips can be enjoyed soon. A few last minute shopping trips or phone calls will get you where you want to go. There may be an older person to visit before your start any type of trip.
Today at 8:21 am by Rocky
» utube 9/7/24 MM&C Iraq Dinar-#Iraqidinar-#XRP-Open MarkOperations-OMO-Currenc
Today at 8:20 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary Committee Points to a “Dysfunction” in Customs Work: Their Talk Is Repeated... and The
Today at 8:15 am by Rocky
» Prime Minister's Advisor: Central Bank Decisions Contribute to Reducing Inflation Rates in the Count
Today at 8:09 am by Rocky
» Commerce announces the launch of the electronic payment service for import license fees and export I
Today at 8:00 am by Rocky
» Government advisor announces platform to grant project establishment licenses and reduce raw materia
Today at 7:59 am by Rocky
» Omani industrial exports to Iraq jump in 8 months
Today at 7:57 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani: We are proceeding with digitization and electronic transformation processes in various se
Today at 7:54 am by Rocky
» Prime Minister's Office Announces Launch of Application Form for Robotics and Artificial Intelligenc
Today at 7:52 am by Rocky
» Iraqi Oil Ministry responds to letter from US Congress members to President Biden
Today at 7:46 am by Rocky
» Three-pronged government plan for tax reform
Today at 7:43 am by Rocky
» Currency Auction.. The Central Bank of Iraq sells more than 254 million in one day
Today at 7:40 am by Rocky
» The Ministry of Oil responds to the "slander" of American representatives: We do not escape or mix,
Today at 7:38 am by Rocky
» The Ministry of Planning follows up on the implementation stages of the Nasiriyah International Airp
Today at 7:37 am by Rocky
» Jordan's exports to Iraq rise over the past eight months
Today at 7:36 am by Rocky
» Preserving freedoms is our identity and the depth of our strategy
Today at 7:35 am by Rocky
» Settling the controversy over the mechanism for burying the bodies of "terrorists" in Iraq - Urgent
Today at 7:33 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani: The government is proceeding with digitization and electronic transformation of various s
Today at 7:31 am by Rocky
» Expert reveals details of Iraqi oil smuggling route: This is its price - Urgent
Today at 7:29 am by Rocky
» Suez Canal is no longer safe.. Expert advises exporting Iraqi oil via Ceyhan, Turkey - Urgent
Today at 7:27 am by Rocky
» Al-Karkh Health / The Organizing Committee of the Twelfth Annual Scientific Conference for Laborator
Today at 7:25 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani's government in a difficult situation... No US withdrawal and negotiations sought to "calm
Today at 7:24 am by Rocky
» MP: Amnesty law gives public money thieves the right to commit their crimes with impunity
Today at 7:23 am by Rocky
» Economic recession hits Anbar, and rising unemployment and theft threaten its stability
Today at 7:20 am by Rocky
» Kurdistan Finance: “My Account” banking system provides loans worth 15 million dinars to employees
Today at 7:17 am by Rocky
» For disbursing agricultural loans.. Severe imprisonment for the former manager of the Agricultural B
Today at 7:12 am by Rocky
» The meeting of the Iraqi Economic Council delegation with the Kurdistan Regional Government begins
Today at 5:14 am by Rocky
» Leaks about the US withdrawal from Iraq are a "painkiller" and a maneuver to support "Harris" and Al
Today at 5:13 am by Rocky
» With 15 million.. Kurdistan Finance: "Hisabi" system will provide loans to employees
Today at 5:11 am by Rocky
» Government advisor outlines financial gains from merger of National and Iraqi insurance companies
Today at 5:08 am by Rocky
» Judge Hanoun: We are continuing the file of recovering money and corrupt people from abroad
Today at 5:07 am by Rocky
» Minister of Transport receives his Egyptian counterpart at Baghdad International Airport
Today at 5:04 am by Rocky
» Iran's exports to Iraq reach $4.5 billion in 5 months
Today at 5:03 am by Rocky
» Central Bank of Iraq announces comprehensive banking reform map
Today at 5:02 am by Rocky
» Dollar prices stabilize in Baghdad markets
Today at 5:01 am by Rocky
» Minister of Labor: Student grant will return with the start of the school year
Today at 5:00 am by Rocky
» Government Advisor: We are working on developing a tax system that is attractive to investors
Today at 4:59 am by Rocky
» Baghdad Provincial Council: This is what hinders the implementation of generator pricing
Today at 4:58 am by Rocky
» International conference on Al-Hol camp
Today at 4:56 am by Rocky
» Integrity: We are continuing the file of recovering funds and corrupt people from abroad
Today at 4:55 am by Rocky
» Chasing {rumor accounts} on social media
Today at 4:54 am by Rocky
» Resuming the promotion of terrorism victims’ transactions
Today at 4:53 am by Rocky
» 16 Guidelines for Developing Electronic Payment Services
Today at 4:52 am by Rocky
» Correcting the position of foreign workers in Najaf
Today at 4:50 am by Rocky
» Labor completes procedures for launching the 43rd batch of soft loans
Today at 4:49 am by Rocky
» 67 billion shares traded in the stock market
Today at 4:47 am by Rocky
» Telecommunications activity economically
Today at 4:45 am by Rocky
» Sudden security tightening at the largest US military bases in Iraq - Urgent
Today at 4:43 am by Rocky
» Sources to Baghdad Today: Iranian President to arrive in Baghdad next Wednesday
Today at 4:42 am by Rocky
» The Syndicate of Journalists in the Region on the Closure of the “Jawdir” Foundation: It Contradicts
Today at 4:41 am by Rocky
» Planning reveals the estimated percentage of the population of Iraq - Urgent
Today at 4:39 am by Rocky
» Judge Zidane receives the Chargé d'Affaires of the German Embassy
Today at 4:37 am by Rocky
» A high-level government delegation arrives in Erbil to discuss issues of ports, taxes and checkpoint
Today at 4:36 am by Rocky
» Advisor to Al-Sudani: There is no salary crisis, these are just rumors to raise concerns
Today at 4:34 am by Rocky
» The Ministerial Council for Economy reveals details of its meeting tomorrow, Sunday, in Erbil
Today at 4:33 am by Rocky
» How likely is it to raise taxes to cover the deficit? A government advisor answers
Today at 4:31 am by Rocky
» Iraqi Ministry of Finance: Salaries are financed according to available liquidity
Today at 4:30 am by Rocky
» He will sign an agreement with Iraq.. The Iranian President will visit Baghdad in mid-September
Today at 4:25 am by Rocky
» In parallel with the theft of the century, a deputy exposes a new waste in the name of “the theft of
Today at 4:23 am by Rocky
» Washington blows up the withdrawal hypothesis...the government remains silent
Today at 4:22 am by Rocky
» British report: Washington plans a long stay in Iraq
Today at 4:21 am by Rocky
» “Fake garages” in Iraq.. Extortion of vehicle owners by subsidized parties
Today at 4:20 am by Rocky
» Minister of Finance settles controversy over delay in paying employees’ salaries
Today at 4:19 am by Rocky
» Labor confirms the continuation of the student grant and it will return at the beginning of the scho
Today at 4:17 am by Rocky
» The Prime Minister directs, through the “Homeland and People” program, the service effort to enter t
Today at 4:16 am by Rocky
» Iraq's oil exports to the US rose last week
Today at 4:14 am by Rocky
» Green continues above the 150,000 threshold
Today at 4:13 am by Rocky
» Morning list of dollar prices in Iraqi stock exchanges today
Today at 4:11 am by Rocky
» Parliamentary demands to amend the paragraphs of the Provincial Councils Law.. What are the reasons?
Today at 4:09 am by Rocky
» They want to be rewarded for not receiving a salary.. Education contracts are piling up in front of
Today at 4:08 am by Rocky
» A large ministerial delegation will visit the region tomorrow to discuss crucial files and issue imp
Yesterday at 7:04 am by Rocky
» Iraq's Judiciary Under Fire: An Organized Campaign Threatens the Fortress of Justice
Yesterday at 7:02 am by Rocky
» The Ministry of Interior reveals to Al-Maalouma international coordination to pursue drug smugglers
Yesterday at 7:00 am by Rocky
» Central Bank of Iraq records more than $1 billion in currency sales in a week
Yesterday at 6:58 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani launches executive works on 3 combined cycle projects in the electricity sector
Yesterday at 6:54 am by Rocky
» We monitored the financial allocations to develop all sectors.. Al-Sudani: The energy file represent
Yesterday at 6:53 am by Rocky
» Absent for (10) months.. Parliament fails to decide on the position of "President"
Yesterday at 6:51 am by Rocky
» Iraq's losses amount to $19 billion due to the suspension of oil exports.. Crisis in restarting the
Yesterday at 6:50 am by Rocky
» Minister of Electricity: Operation of the Iraqi-Gulf energy connection will be at the end of the yea
Yesterday at 6:47 am by Rocky
» Al-Sudani announces reaching final understandings to implement a project to produce 10,000 megawatts
Yesterday at 6:46 am by Rocky
» Is Iraq heading towards a salary crisis? An economic expert explains!
Yesterday at 6:43 am by Rocky
» Minister of Justice follows up on digital transformation steps in the ministry
Yesterday at 6:42 am by Rocky
» After "transgressing" the legislative authority, MP Hassan Al-Khafaji is threatened with the withdra
Yesterday at 6:39 am by Rocky
» Alsumaria's most prominent files in the afternoon bulletin: the withdrawal of the international coal
Yesterday at 6:37 am by Rocky
» Court of the Century: Courage in the Shadow of Silence
Yesterday at 5:20 am by Rocky
» US Institute: Washington must stop exchanging intelligence with Baghdad after eavesdropping scandal
Yesterday at 5:19 am by Rocky
» MP: Foreign interference in personal status law is unacceptable
Yesterday at 5:17 am by Rocky
» Bad news for employees in Iraq.. A salary crisis is looming
Yesterday at 5:14 am by Rocky
» During a month.. The Iraqi Stock Exchange trades 67 billion shares worth 43 billion dinars
Yesterday at 5:13 am by Rocky
» Iraq announces increase in investment volume to $69 billion in a year and a half
Yesterday at 5:12 am by Rocky
» The truth about stopping the payment of salaries of 7 thousand Peshmerga members
Yesterday at 5:11 am by Rocky
» Trump Family Cryptocurrency Project Promises to 'Ensure US Dollar Dominance'
Yesterday at 5:09 am by Rocky
» Within 6 months.. Jordan exports 37 gigawatts of electricity to Iraq
Yesterday at 5:08 am by Rocky
» Completion of drilling the first multi-section oil well in Baghdad
Yesterday at 5:07 am by Rocky
» Civil Status, Residence and Passports: Electronic Passport Factory to be Opened in Baghdad
Yesterday at 5:04 am by Rocky
» The Ministerial Council for Economy announces holding its next session in the Kurdistan Region
Yesterday at 5:03 am by Rocky
» A slight decrease in the dollar exchange rates in Baghdad, Basra and Erbil
Yesterday at 5:02 am by Rocky
» Interior: More than 40 million Iraqis have obtained the unified national card
Yesterday at 5:00 am by Rocky
» Protected by "influential parties" or "paying bribes" .. "unlicensed" stores selling alcoholic bever
Yesterday at 4:59 am by Rocky