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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Washington is happy with the easing of tensions between Baghdad and Arbil

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Washington is happy with the easing of tensions between Baghdad and Arbil Empty Washington is happy with the easing of tensions between Baghdad and Arbil

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Nov 2017, 4:12 am

    Washington is happy with the easing of tensions between Baghdad and Arbil
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    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Saturday that Washington was in constant contact with Baghdad and urged the Iraqi government to create the appropriate ground for a serious dialogue with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to reach the desired goal.
    A statement by the Kurdistan Regional Government said that US Secretary of State Rex Tilersen contacted the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Nechirvan Barzani and expressed his country's condolences and condolences to the victims of the earthquake that hit Kurdistan last week, expressing his country's readiness to provide the necessary support and coordination in this regard. 
    He praised the Kurdistan Regional Government for its commitment to respect the interpretation of the Iraqi Federal Court on the constitution, stressing the maintenance of stability in order to create the appropriate ground for the start of dialogue. He expressed his happiness to reduce tension on the lines of contact between the Peshmerga forces and Iraqi forces. Between Arbil and Baghdad according to the constitution.
    For his part, said Najirvan Barzani that the Kurdistan region, as has always stated, is ready to resolve all problems with the federal government through serious dialogue according to the Constitution, and expressed the hope that the United States and the International Alliance to play their role in the resumption of dialogue between Arbil and Baghdad.
    He also thanked US Secretary of State Tilsen for his communication and condolences to the victims of the earthquake, adding that he welcomed any assistance provided to those affected. He also stressed the need to lift the ban imposed on airports in the Kurdistan region, especially since there are great needs in the humanitarian field. One million five hundred thousand displaced persons and refugees in the Kurdistan region, and are provided through airports. Finished

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