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    10~15~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    10~15~2013 Horoscopes Empty 10~15~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Tue 15 Oct 2013, 5:38 am

        Expect the best and you will receive the best. The day may have a slow start but an unusually busy afternoon. Your attitude will bring things around to what you want to accomplish. Positive results depend on your actions and how you influence others and you know just what to do. You may gain some positive feedback from your peers as well as the public. You feel at home in your profession and it takes care of you. You could have deep insights into your own feelings and inner, spiritual nature at this time--enjoy this time of year! At home, decorate with splashes of color and the fun traditions of the season. You may be checking out your own wardrobe. You may, in fact, find yourself all dressed up for a party.

        You may be very dynamic in what you say. With all of this emotional energy, you could speak or communicate very well. You have mental drive. This may be a very impractical time however, when it comes to business concerns; careful. You have imagination when it comes to reducing any excess overhead, but making a deal or a trade might need to wait another day. This evening you could be preparing to entertain in the next few weeks. Your creative side is showing and you may have lots of fun in decorating and preparing your place for the quickly approaching holidays. You may insert a theatrical or vaudeville style to your handiwork. If you worry about your guests, don't worry . . . Your guests will enjoy these future events at your place.

        There will be an opportunity today to show off your skills to higher-ups. You may not get recognition just now, but it will come soon; smile! If you have not noticed lately, you have had a more confident style about you and this may be the key that opens many a new door in your career. You are very imaginative when it comes to people and relationships and you express yourself well in all kinds of communications. At home this afternoon you may decide to do a few more chores than are usually on your list. You have an interest in preparing for a social event. There may be an opportunity to do a little fall decorating. A splash of decor at your front door presents an intriguing invitation and welcomes all the little neighbors to your good graces.

        You know just what to do to keep the professional ball bouncing. You have dreams and ideas of how you want your day to develop and you are pleased to be able to take charge and create the desired end result. If you want to learn more about the art of negotiation, you might take a class in negotiation, debate, stage presence or some other similar type of class. You will gain the confidence you need to be more expressive in your profession and around your friends and family. Soon, people will better listen to what you have to say, particularly if you have a good basis for what you say. Communications, computers and the whole electronic revolution are a perfect career options for you. Tonight is for relaxation and fun with the young people.

        Challenging authority and rocking the boat will likely be a temptation to you. Bringing new ideas into the workplace or making changes in a project could be acceptable if there is a plan on paper for higher-ups or a staff to view. Old patterns of organization and power are ripe for a creative approach. Inventive ideas hold the key to realizing your ambitions and advancing your status in the workplace--it is your turn to show off your talents. Good humor defuses any tense situation. After work, you are ready to enjoy some quiet time in a bookstore or museum. Check out your calendar for upcoming birthdays--you may want to update your collection of cards and have some ready for mailing to your family or friends. Enjoy the season's celebrations.

        This is a perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the energy you could want and it should be easy to channel it. You may find yourself lecturing, teaching or attending a class on organizing your goals. Perhaps this is the best time for productive, serious thinking, getting down to the essential thoughts. Studies of all kinds are in order, perhaps some night classes. Events make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs and find new solutions to old problems. You may find yourself able to implement your ideas and put them into practice. The path is open and clear. Your career direction gets some encouragement and life's problems find easy solutions. Love is most probable this evening.

        You are willing to take on a few challenges this tuesday; no matter what the risks. You can be bold, perhaps a little headstrong and impatient. With your attitude however, professional challenges are easily handled. A co-worker or project manager is watching your progress and will be a great support. Daring to implement new approaches or techniques may be the secret to your success. You prosper through new insights. After the workday is over, you will have the opportunity to visit and chat with your friends. Without realizing it's been done, a friend will be able to give you some good guidance. You demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to others and can you can communicate with a great deal of enthusiasm.

        You enjoy your work and you feel important when others depend upon you. Careful--you may appear commanding at this time. In summary, you can expect a more confident, outgoing attitude, for you have brought to close a time of inward examination. A growing sense of direction and self-worth will find you reaching out and establishing yourself. You can be very communicative, flexible, mental and other-oriented. Others will find you a smooth talker with a quick wit and ready tongue. You will be pleased with your progress in the workplace. Tension results from a struggle between dreams and reality, so keep a handle on your ability to focus. Opportunities are really beginning to open up for you now--pick and choose.

        When obtaining a loan, be careful to ask for just what you need and not necessarily what you want--you will be granted the loan--but then you will have to start paying it back. Make sure the reason you borrowed the money is worth the time and energy it takes to pay it back. In the workplace, you could be seen by others as just the person to be put in charge of some project. Difficulties, blocks and all manner of hot spots may be discovered. You can work through these blocks quickly today as your attitude is to keep things simple and to forge ahead. Nothing seems to slow you down. Ideas and interaction with authority figures or older people may be in the works. Working with--rather than against--the flow is good. A social affair is successful.

        Professional advice may work in your best interest. A relentless, getting down to basics attitude makes your sense of management and realistic vision very deep. You seem to understand mass psychology, how to organize and manipulate sensitive areas of the public mind. This could create mentally stressful times for you but the results are rewarding. Work and career is becoming a primary focus. There are opportunities to make good decisions. Friends visit your home this afternoon and you may find yourself having a blast with these friends and getting all caught up on who has a new baby, when somebody married and new job moves that are in different places all over the country. Keep up and have a camera at the ready for updating your albums

    You could find yourself volunteering to help a co-worker today. Your attitude is commendable and others do not let your efforts escape their attention. Since you do not complain, you may find more than a simple thanks for your efforts. This is indeed a great time to work in a team effort. Obtaining and exchanging information takes on more emotional significance this evening as you find yourself interacting with others on the general events of the day. You value personal contact with your neighbors or friends, cutting through all the externals and getting to the heart of things. You express a deep understanding of all people and are a good communicator. It is possible that you will encourage community improvements. Consider going to a city council meeting.

        Thank goodness you have a day now that you can use wisely. A day that is not too stressful--a time for accomplishing tasks or setting things up to work in your favor. This is a great time to be with others and to work in groups or teams. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. You are good in management decisions and it may be time now to take a few risks. Your team is more confident and capable than ever before. Any group or project that you lead will have much success. You prosper through new insights, inventions and an independent point of view. Situations are almost custom-made and it is easy to see which path is the one to take. This is a time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural way

      Current date/time is Sat 07 Sep 2024, 10:52 pm