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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Why is the salaries of teachers and teachers delayed in Baghdad?

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277782
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Why is the salaries of teachers and teachers delayed in Baghdad? Empty Why is the salaries of teachers and teachers delayed in Baghdad?

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Dec 2017, 2:19 pm

    [size=30]Why is the salaries of teachers and teachers delayed in Baghdad?[/size]
    04/12/2017 07:15 | Number of readings: 151
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    Trend Press - Iraq

    Baghdad council member Ali al-Karawi said on Monday that the council signed a letter approving the handover of salaries of teachers and teachers in the capital during the last third of the month, indicating that the delay in handing over salaries due to the procedures of the Ministry of Finance.

    Al-Karawi said in a press statement that "the Baghdad Provincial Council signs every day 20 of each month on the delivery of salaries of teachers and teachers in the capital," explaining that "the paper is transferred directly to the Ministry of Finance for the purpose of launching salaries."

    He added that "any delay in the distribution of salaries is due to the procedures of the Ministry of Finance and not the Baghdad Provincial Council," noting that "the possibility of lack of liquidity or the Ministry of Finance is distributing salaries to ministries in the relay system."

    A number of education officials complained about the delay of their salaries for this month for more than ten days, demanding the Ministry of Education and Finance to clarify the cause of delay. C

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