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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Safwan demands to extend security at Iraqi-Kuwaiti border after shooting incidents


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Safwan demands to extend security at Iraqi-Kuwaiti border after shooting incidents Empty Safwan demands to extend security at Iraqi-Kuwaiti border after shooting incidents

    Post by chouchou Sun 20 Oct 2013, 5:26 am

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    Shafaq News / Safwan border sub-district in Basra province demanded on Sunday, security forces in Safwan Police Department to develop plans to restore the security situation, as pointed out that several incidents took place in some parts of the area that resulted in deaths and injured of citizens .

    “The director of Safwan Police Center plans o develop security plans to make a sort of stability and security ,” pointing out that “several incidents took place including killing of some citizens and wounding others because some people fired shots ,” The director of Safwan sub-district , Taleb al-Hasona told “Shafaq News”.

    Al-Hasona stressed " the need to have coordination between the security forces in the army and federal police in deploying military patrols and setting up checkpoints and collecting information continuously from citizens , particularly in Safwan area “.

    It is worth mentioning that criminal incidents, including kidnappings and thefts have increased in some areas of Basra province in recent times.

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