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    Abadi and the Dawa Party welcome the position of the religious authority

    Admin Assist
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    Abadi and the Dawa Party welcome the position of the religious authority Empty Abadi and the Dawa Party welcome the position of the religious authority

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Dec 2017, 1:46 am

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    Abadi and the Dawa Party welcome the position of the religious authority

     Baghdad / Range 

    Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said yesterday that his government is working to organize the crowd according to the legal contexts of the state, and that it continues to sponsor the families of martyrs and wounded.
    This came hours after the call of the reference Sistani, which determined the fate of the crowd, and his demand to limit the arms of the state, and care of the families of the martyrs, and prevent the political exploitation of the crowd. 
    A statement from the Prime Minister's Office expressed his thanks for the role of the reference in countering the eviction and liberating the territories from his grip. 
    "The government continues to take care of the families of the martyrs and the wounded who are the makers of victory, the restoration of stability and the displaced to the liberated areas, in addition to limiting the weapons of the state, which has been started to implement it, and the achievement of social peace and address the roots and intellectual and behavioral backgrounds of terrorism, And to address it in all its forms. "
    The Office of the Prime Minister welcomed the "call of the religious authority not to exploit volunteers and fighters in the political rally, which emphasizes the importance of keeping the security institutions from engaging in political action supported by the Popular Popular fighters and associates, and this has been confirmed by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces on more than one occasion, Issued at an early stage Diwani 91 of 2016, which sets the basis for the organization of the Popular Propaganda Authority, which was later legislated by the law of the Commission. 
    "The government is working to organize the crowd in accordance with the legal context of the state and to take care of the brave fighters. The presence of volunteers who have worked valiantly alongside other security forces is a consistent policy of the government," the statement said.
    Earlier in the day, the Islamic Dawa Party said in a statement that it "supports the position of the supreme religious authority, which was expressed in Friday prayers, and blesses the reference of its remarkable positions that contributed to preserving Iraq's unity and safeguarding its sovereignty and independence. Peaceful coexistence among its children. " 
    "Strengthening the institutions and arming the state is the main step to maintain this great victory, and the condition for protecting the community peace, so that Iraq will be an important and leading country in the region," the Dawa Party said. 
    The party called on the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces to "carry out his constitutional and legal responsibilities, activate the popular assembly law passed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, transform the popular mobilization into a disciplined state institution and a true manifestation of other military institutions and disarmament outside the state and its institutions."

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